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            7                                  Licensing

                                                                                  Financial and other terms in a license can vary in structure (e.g. royalties
                                                                                  on products sold, milestone, upfront and change of control payments,
            Licensing Intellectual Property to a commercial                       annual fees, equity in the licensee etc.). Such terms also require the
            entity is the principal commercialization route                       licensee to diligently develop the technology so it doesn’t “sit on the shelf”
            for Mass General Brigham inventions. Innovation                       and also mandate that the hospital and academic collaborators retain
                                                                                  the rights to continue to do research on the licensed invention. In almost
            works with inventors to market technologies                           every case, reimbursing the System’s back patent costs and payments for
            to attract licensing opportunities. This usually                      continuing patent expenses are part of the license. An option agreement,
                                                                                  often a prelude to a license, gives the company a limited exclusive period
            happens in parallel with the patenting process.                       to explore or validate the business potential enabled by the patents.

                                                                                  The process can vary in length but at a minimum a license generally
            Licenses are agreements where the owner of an invention gives another   takes several months. Early stage technologies that require significant
            party right to the technology allowing them to produce, use or sell products   investments from a company can take longer to secure a licensee.
            protected by the licensed patent(s). The license terms define the rights,
            responsibilities and exclusivity, of the parties under the license agreement.   Contact information for Licensing Managers:
            Key terms in a license include the field of use, the specific items being   Rebecca Listfield PhD,
            licensed, the duration of the license, the right to sublicense and the
            financial or other considerations that will be paid to the institution by
            the license.
            Established precedents generally guide license negotiations. If a
            technology represents an entirely new category, comparable technologies
            or products are used to form the basis of an agreement.
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