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            6                                  Patents

            Inventorship                                                          Timeline

            The criteria for a contributor to be listed as an inventor on a patent   Patenting is typically a lengthy and costly process. It begins with an
            application are legally defined under U.S. patent law. An inventor must   internal review of an Invention Disclosure Form, analysis of what is known
            have contributed to the conception of the invention. Someone who did   about the subject and overall patentability. This internal review phase ends
            not contribute to the conception of an invention is not considered an   when either an initial application (usually a provisional patent application)
            inventor, even if they were a valuable contributor to the development of   is filed, or the patent process is halted. Successive stages often take years.
            the invention. For example, someone who contributes to the invention   If Innovation declines to pursue a patent for an invention or terminates
            solely by following prescribed steps to build the invention or by conducting   maintenance of an issued patent, there is a process that enables inventors
            experiments to show that the invention works (but who did not contribute   to secure the right to unilaterally pursue the patent should they choose to
            to the conception of the invention itself) would not be considered an   do so. Licensing Managers can provide details for this process.
            inventor under U.S. patent law.
            Inventorship is different than authorship; often, authors on a journal
            article describing an invention may not be considered inventors under U.S.   Strategy
            patent law. It is important to define and list inventors properly on a patent
            application, as incorrect inventorship can invalidate a patent. Innovation   Patent strategies are set based on patentability, markets, opportunity for
            teams will work to determine who should be listed as an inventor in the   an innovation and freedom to operate. Enhanced strategies such as “picket
            patent application to meet legal requirements.                        fences” and “patent estates” may be adopted for certain high potential
                                                                                  IP assets.

            Inventor share                                                        A picket fence is a type of patent strategy in which a patent applicant or
                                                                                  owner tries to block competitors from designing around the claims of an
                                                                                  original patent by filing a series of patent applications that vary in claim
            At Mass General Brigham, when disclosing an invention, the principal   scope around the original core invention.
            investigator is asked to specify the relative contributions of the multiple
            inventors. That contribution designation becomes the basis for potential   A patent estate refers to the complete patent rights owned by a person
            financial distribution should the technology generate commercialization   or entity.
            revenue. There is a policy and related procedure involving hospital
            leadership to resolve disputes among inventors regarding
            their relative contribution.
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