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            5                                  Intellectual property

            Inventorship questions or disputes                                               Legacy of invention at

            The standards for Inventorship in Patent Law are different from and may          Mass General Brigham
            be more stringent than the standards for scientific authorship. Although
            an invention comprises both a complete performance of the creative part
            of the invention (“Conception”) and the carrying out of the creative part
            (“Reduction to Practice”), Inventorship is limited to Conception.
            Inventorship must be correct for patent validity. If there is any question
            about correct Inventorship, innovators should bring it to the attention
            of their Licensing Manager. After an initial assessment, the Licensing
            Manager may then engage a patent attorney in the IP group. The Licensing
            Manager and/or IP group attorney will then work with the inventor to
            assess the contributions made by the innovators and determine whether
            a contribution rises to the level of Inventorship. Written records (e.g. lab
            notebooks, emails, grants, published papers, etc.) can be helpful in this       “If you’ve got a vision, I would say just put your
            determination. In certain circumstances, the Licensing Manager might also        head down and do it. The successful inventors
            engage other staff or outside patent attorneys in resolving an inventorship      I know are very tenacious and they just stick
            question or dispute.
                                                                                             with it. It may take years, it might take 10 or
                                                                                             15 years, but the drive to learn something new
            Ownership                                                                        and to deliver something for our patients is all
                                                                                             wrapped up in the same equation. If you just
            IP discovered during employment and activities supported by Mass
            General Brigham and all its entities is owned by Mass General Brigham.           hang in there, good things really do happen. ”
            Joint appointments should be disclosed to properly determine
            IP ownership.                                                                    Paul Ridker, MD
                                                                                             Director, Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention,
            For more information, please contact and/or:             Brigham and Women’s Hospital Eugene Braunwald
                                                                                             Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
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