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            4                                  an invention

            Completing the Invention Disclosure Form                              Questions to consider in addressing the novel features of the invention are:

            A thoroughly completed Invention Disclosure Form is important for the   •  The advantages of the invention, as compared to the standard of care, or
            invention to proceed quickly. The disclosure typically takes two to three   other similar technologies. Whether the invention address any
            hours of focused attention to complete. The more comprehensive the      unmet needs.
            description, with citations, prior art references, market descriptions and   •  The key technological differences between the invention and the
            related, the faster the commercialization process will advance.         current standard of care, and/or between the invention and other similar
                                                                                    technologies on the market.
            The invention disclosure should thoroughly describe the key concepts of
            the invention, often including the following:                         •  Whether the invention is an incremental improvement to existing
                                                                                    technology, or an entirely new technology.
            •  Overview of invention in lay terms                                 •  The scope of the invention. Whether it applies to specific cases or
            •  The fundamental problem the invention seeks to address               generally to a broad class of cases.
            •  Scientific basis of the invention                                  The invention disclosure should also describe the commercial products
            •  Stage of development (e.g. conceptual, tested in animal models, etc.)  or processes that may be enabled by the invention—i.e. what applications
            •  Whether the invention is a platform technology that can the basis for   might a company develop if they had rights to the invention, what products
             multiple products                                                    might they sell based on the invention or what products might be blocked
                                                                                  if a particular party had exclusive rights to the invention. If the invention is
            The invention disclosure should clearly describe what is new about the   a platform technology, such that several products or processes could be
            invention, as compared to existing solutions or the standard of care. It is   developed from the invention, it is helpful to describe what these individual
            useful for the inventor to become familiar with prior art that might compete   products might look like.
            with or even block the issuance of a patent. A search on the Internet and
            through the USPTO search engine (  Finally, it is important to thoroughly list any previous or upcoming public
            search-adv.htm) can be done to check if an invention is already in the   disclosures of the invention, i.e., if any aspects of the invention have been
            public domain. While a quick search is not required or definitive, obvious   or will be published in papers, presented at conferences, or discussed with
            examples are often easy to find.                                      outside collaborators or company contacts.
                                                                                  The Invention Disclosure Form and instructions are available at the
                                                                                  Innovation website: Invention Disclosure Form (IDF).
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