Page 34 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
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            4                                  an invention

            Disclosing an invention is the first formal step in
            the commercialization journey. The disclosure
            is part of a path that can include a patent or                                For Internal Use Only      Invention Number:  Click or tap here to enter text.
            other intellectual property and result in a license,                      Contact/Submission Info
                                                                                      Please address all questions and return an electronic copy of the completed form to:
            collaboration or newco. The more thorough                                 Anthony Sutton, Senior Invention Administrator
                                                                                      P: (857) 282-1810
            the initial disclosure the more rapidly the                               F: (857) 282-5795
                                                                                      (While filing form online, please have ‘insert’ key inactive)
                                                                                      This form is current as of 6/3/20. All prior forms are obsolete and should not be used.
            commercialization can proceed.                                            1.  T IT L E   O F  IN V E N T IO N
                                                                                      Click or tap here to enter text.

                                                                                      2.  CA T E G O R Y  O F  I NV E NT I O N
            Invention disclosure                                                      ☐ Patent   ☐ Material   ☐ Software   ☐ Copyright   ☐ Trademark

                                                                                      3.  D E S CR I P T I O N O F  T H E  I NV E N T I O N
            An invention disclosure is a written description of the invention or      Describe the Invention to the extent known at this time.
                                                                                      A.  Key concepts of Invention, including nature, stage, purpose of operation of the invention including technical
                                                                                       characteristics: (In addition, please attach manuscript, presentation, poster, or other documents, including any public
            technology. The disclosure details the invention and lists all the        Click or tap here to enter text.
                                                                                       disclosure documents)
            contributors, funding sources and labs involved. This helps to determine   B.  Distinguishing novel features of Invention:
                                                                                      Click or tap here to enter text.
            the path for IP protection, marketing and commercialization. It is helpful   C.  Envisioned commercial products or processes:
            to contact the Innovation office prior to preparing the Invention Disclosure   Click or tap here to enter text.

            Form (IDF). The IDF is confidential and not a public disclosure.
            An invention disclosure is the formal record of an invention, helps to
            protect ideas for the future, and creates an asset that can be the basis for
            a commercial transaction. The disclosure also notes where federal funding
            has been used to support research. An Invention Disclosure Form should
            be completed when an idea is sufficiently developed.                  Invention Disclosure Form

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