Page 36 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
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            4                                  an invention

            Public disclosure | Publications                                      Inventor role | Post disclosure

            Public disclosure of an invention may limit, or even forfeit, the right to   As noted earlier, the inventor is central to any commercialization.
            obtain a patent. A public disclosure is any non-confidential communication   As the technology advances, the inventor should plan on devoting
            of the invention to members of the public. Some common examples       time for interactions with licensing staff, patent counsel and industry
            include journal or book publications, published meeting abstracts,    representatives. The inventor should plan to:
            interviews, posters and oral presentations, dissertations and theses, and   •  Make themselves available to the Licensing Manager and IP staff for
            online publications including laboratory webpages or social media.
                                                                                    follow-up information as required;
            Common situations which may not be considered public disclosures      •  Execute and return documents required for completion of the patent
            include internal presentations (such as at department meetings) that are   application filings in a timely fashion;
            not open to members of the public or individuals from other institutions are
            not considered public disclosures. Grant proposals are often confidential   •  Provide perspectives on commercial application of the technologies.
            and may not initially be a public disclosure until the granting organization
            publishes elements of the proposal such as the abstract or progress report   Timing
            publications. Discussions with external parties under a confidentiality
            agreement are also protected and not considered public disclosures.   Following the submission of a completed Invention Disclosure Form,

            It can sometimes be difficult to know if a disclosure is considered a public   Invention Record numbers and Licensing Managers are assigned within 24
            disclosure, and the Innovation office is available to help address questions   hours of receipt. Times to assess the disclosure scope and applicability
            if there is any doubt. Notifying the assigned Licensing Manager in advance   will, of course, vary. The Licensing Manager can provide guidance and
            of any potential public disclosure is recommended to assure protection.  information regarding timelines.

            Including all inventors

            All contributors to the invention should be listed in the Invention Disclosure,
            including affiliated labs involved. With respect to inventorship, Innovation
            teams will work with inventors to determine who should be listed in the
            patent application to meet legal requirements.
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