Page 54 - Mass General Brigham - Innovators Guide 1.0
P. 54
Open Innovation
9 and alliances
Open Innovation Funding awards. Several large companies provide a collaboration
framework that is based on annual awards cycle and translations support
Open Innovation has become a priority in the global business community. drawing on the company’s expertise in areas such as medicinal chemistry,
It is an approach to secure breakthrough innovation from all possible prototyping or regulatory affairs.
sources including external alliances. It maximizes the value of knowledge
inflow through structured partnerships to accelerate internal translational Access to resources. These typically include a call for proposal from
efforts, and knowledge outflow to expand to new markets. industry and a facilitated review process managed by Innovation (NIBR,
Sanofi iAwards, IDG, BBIC, Boston Scientific).
Strategic partnerships often leverage the complementary expertise and
capabilities of an academic medical center with drug and device industries. Consortia. A consortium is typically organized around specific disease,
They can create value through research collaboration to develop new challenge or opportunity. It usually features multiple companies or
drugs, devices, or provide educational skills and career opportunities. other organizations such as disease foundations. Multiple institutions/
foundations/industry join efforts to solve complex problems.
Opportunities Educational programs. Dedicated instructional efforts can be very effective
at increasing participation in and the success of commercial efforts.
Innovation has developed specific programs that allow partnering in unique
Mass General Brigham participates in a wide range of collaborative ways with industry.
structures. These are typically tailored to match the nature of the
technology being developed and the market to be served. Some examples include:
Technology co-development partnerships. Mass General Brigham works • Innovation Fellows Program --short-term, co-mentored education and
with industry partners to co-develop core technology and capabilities training opportunities for Mass General Brigham hospital staff (MDs and
that are integral to academic medical center operations (for example, GE, PhDs) with industry. Transaction includes a Master Agreement between
Nvidia, Nuance). the industry host and hospital.
Research collaborations. Long term strategic collaborations with industry • Harvard HealthTech Fellowship (
partners are designed to co-develop drugs and devices. These partnerships healthtechfellowship/home)
have committed executive sponsorship, an active oversight board, a • Clinician-in-Residence
clear vision with shared outcomes, and a strong collaborative culture (for
example, Canon, Bayer, Pfizer Centers for Therapeutic Innovation). They For questions about Alliances, please contact:
receive dedicated support from the Innovation Strategic Alliance unit.
For digital and HIT alliances, please reach out to Innovation’s Business
Development team, please contact: