P. 10

                  Soal 3:
                  Read the following recount text and answer the question below.

                  "Meeting a Local Legend"

                  Last month, our school organized a community service event in a rural village. While we were helping to paint a local
                  school, an elderly man approached us. He was a well-known artist in the village, and he shared inspiring stories about his
                  life and artwork. He even gave us a quick painting lesson. It was an incredible experience to meet such a talented and
                  humble person.

                  Where did the school organize the community service event, and what made the encounter with the elderly man special?

                  Soal 4:
                  Read the following recount text and answer the question below.

                  "My First Solo Adventure"

                  Last weekend, I decided to take a solo trip to the nearby mountains. I was excited but also nervous about traveling alone.
                  The hike to the peak was challenging, but the view from the top was breathtaking. I felt a sense of accomplishment and
                  spent some peaceful moments absorbing the beauty of nature. On my way back, I encountered some friendly fellow hikers
                  who shared their snacks with me. It turned out to be an amazing adventure that boosted my confidence in exploring new
                  places alone.

                  Where did the writer go on their solo trip, and how did they feel about the experience? Also, what made the adventure
                  special for the writer?
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