Page 18 - More than Green Beans
P. 18

No Fry Falafel with Lemon Dressing
Place all the ingredients except the Lemon drizzle ingredients in a food processor.
Blend un l the mixture has the consistency of so  dough, add a li le water if it is too dry.
Remove the mixture, and place in the fridge for an hour.
Remove from the fridge, handle carefully and roll into  at pa es.
Place the pa es on wax paper, put in an oven proof dish, and brush with olive oil. Bake in the oven, on wax paper on a medium heat for 10 minutes. Turn the pa es over and bake for a further 10/15 minutes un l golden brown. Tradi onally Falafel are fried crea ng a darker brown appearance and a slightly di erent texture. To avoid the fat content I have baked them, however you choose your preference.
Direc ons for the Lemon drizzle
Place the cashew nut bu er or Tahini in a cup and add 2 tablespoons of water and the lemon juice. Mix well. Add more water to make it as runny as you like.
Serve the falafel hot or cold, drizzling the Lemon sauce on top.
Recipe 12
1 lb/500g Dried Chick Peas, soaked for 6 hours, drained
3 S cks Celery,  nely chopped
1 Inch Ginger,  nely chopped
2 Tablespoons Chickpea  our
1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
Handful Fresh Parsley,  nely chopped Handful Fresh Coriander,  nely chopped
1 Teaspoon each of Cumin, Coriander seeds
Cayenne Pepper, and Black Pepper, blended together
Oil for frying if desired
Tradi onally falafel is fried, I chose the low-fat op on, baking them, however do shallow fry them if desired.
For the Lemon Drizzle
2 Tablespoon each of Cashew Nut but- ter or Tahini
2 Tablespoons Lemon juice

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