Page 34 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 34
34 Loud Cities Magazine / #1 Jan 2021
SEM: Tell us few things about working with the owners SEM: A bird whistled that
the inspiration behind your of Bandcamp to find new you are working on a new
lyrics. music from Austin bands album in 2018…
to support his new film
NN: We throw out any need ‘Fashionista’ which coin- NN: Oh yes! We are building
to write from one style…we c i d e n t a l l y w a s f i l m e d a brand new album project
love drama! Spoken words… in Austin. The film is called ‘Maximus’. It will be
rap style and singing all about weakness and addic- artistic, bold and unafraid.
merge in to one chaotic tions that drive people Just the way we like it. Plus
fantasy for us. Sometimes into bizarre and danger- we have several new collabs
we are very dark. Sometimes ous places. It was a perfect with other artists like Scyia
we are positive and uplift- match for our song. The and Nouvelle Culture, plus
ing. Sometimes we are dirty. rest is history (as they say) remixes and some other
Every song is a new story… and now we have the sat- goodies to fill out this year!
the overall theme would be isfaction of knowing that
PASSION and DRAMA! our song found its home SEM: Live shows? Are you
on the movie screen. As for working on a tour maybe?
SEM: A few things on the future work writing music
Fashionista movie–how did for film, yes! We are con- NN: Yes also! We’ve started
you get involved? Are we nected with another direc- rehearsals and hope to tour
expecting New Neon to write tor Mark Bristol who makes in early 2019 once Maximus
more music for cinema in music videos for us and we is ready!
the future, like maybe an hope to continue our music
original score? & film union in the future.
NN: What a crazy story that
was! We just moved back
from Brooklyn to Austin and
we were processing all the
experiences and emotions
from that journey. We noticed
how so many people we meet
seemed to be missing some-
thing…no matter how much
money or things that they
had. Everyone has some sort
of need or addiction and
thus the lyrics for our song
‘The Program’ were born. It
became a hard-driving song
about things that control
you. After we published
the track on Bandcamp, it
was found by the amazing
film director and vision-
ary Simon Rumley who was