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                                                            People  all  around  the  world  have
                                                     differences and similarities. Those differences

                                                     and  similarities  make  us  unique.  If  our
                                                     differences  and  similarities  don’t  exist,  we
                                                     won’t survive that long. Our differences make

                                                     the  world  more  colorful  and  interesting.  Our
                                                     similarities  unite  us  around  some  important
                                                     values  such  as  justice,  equality,  etc.  Life

                                                     would be so boring if we were all the same.
          However those similarities make us a part of the world. We must recognize and
          accept differences among each other and within the community. We were born

          with our own set of genes and DNA. Our color, culture, religion, nationality,
          language,  appearance,  gender  and  properties  are  different  as  well.  Our
          opinions and personalities are different, too. The most important thing about

          our differences is that they figurate our future and improve our personalities.

                 Although  we  think  that  our  differences  are  much  more  than  our
          similarities,  differences  are  finite;  on  the  other  hand  similarities  are  infinite.

          First  of  all,  everybody  needs  same  basic  life  conditions  such  as;  health,
          education, nutrition, security, home and dressing facilities. Secondly, we all try
          to live in a society which has equality, justice, peace, and everybody wants to

          be respected. Human rights are inevitable, too. We also give similar reactions
          in case of sorrow and happiness such as; birth, wedding, funeral ceremonies.
          Music,  art  and  sports  are  some  important  merits  which  make  us  come

          together, too.

                 Eventhough we are in the 21  century, there are still some people who
          don’t  realize  how  different  we  are.  Therefore,  they  can’t  understand  why

          others  don’t  see  the  world  the  same  way  we  do.  Defining  respect  and
          overcoming prejudice,  bias  and  racism  will  remove all  the barriers between

                 As  a  conclusion  conflicts  are  always  useful  and  necessary  for  us  to
          improve ourselves. If we were all alike, we would be bored to tears, and life
          would be unbearable.

                                                                                    Eda Işık Pehlivan 8B
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