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                FEATURES & OPINION                                       LEARNING                     LOCATIONS

                                                                         ZONE                         GUIDE
                16 In conversation           43 British Wildlife
                with…Finn Hopson             Photography Awards
                Brighton-based photographer   Our favourite images from  28 How to shoot              54 Cribyn, Powys

                Finn Hopson on why the South   this year’s competition   stormy weather               Nigel Forster tries a diff erent
                Downs has been a continual                               Alex Nail gives us an in-depth   approach to capture four

                source of insp iration       63 Inside track             guide to injecting power and   distinctive Welsh peaks

                                             Nick Smith explores how     atmosphere into your images

                25 One month, one pict ure   post-processing is playing   of thunderstorms and bad    57 Rogie Falls, Highland
                Subtle, emotive and full of   a part in homogenising our   weather conditions         Curiosity pays off for Carlton

                grain, film is Pete Bridgwood’s   photographs                                          Doudney, who captures a
                focus this month – but will he                           36 Quick guide to…           winter waterfall scene in
                turn his back on digital?    65 Komodo: Land of wonder   shooting ice caves           a new favourite location
                                             Fergus Kennedy shares       Lee Frost’s top tips for

                39 Lie of the land           his stunning imagery from   photographing some of        58 Viewpoints

                Including a human element    a recent trip to the remote   Iceland’s less frequently   Eight top UK locations to
                can enhance a landscape      Indonesia archipelago       explored natural phenomena   shoot this month, including
                photograph tenfold, says                                                              photogenic spots in Devon,

                Mark McColl                  70 In the sp otlight                                     Perthshire, Cumbria and
                                             Underwater photographer                                  Isles of Scilly
                40 Opinion                   Joe Daniels answers Nick
                A window of good weather     Smith’s quick-fire questions

                prompts David Noton to reflect
                on how important it is to make
                time for our photography –
                despite the obst acles

                2 Outdoor Photography December 2017
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