Page 9 - OUTDOOR
P. 9

Brandt’s cormorant
                                                                                                  by Alex Mustard

                                                                                                  A Brandt’s cormorant (Phalacrocorax
                                                                                                  penicillatus) hunts for a meal in

                                                                                                  a school of Pacific chub mackerel
                                                                                                  (Scomber japonicus) beneath the

                                                                                                  Eureka oil rig, which sits off the shore
                                                                                                  of Los Angeles in California, USA.

                                                                                                       December 2017 Outdoor Photography 7

         6_7 OP225 Opening shot_SW.indd   7                                                                                   31/10/2017   15:49
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