Page 14 - CPG - Clinical Practice Guidelines - Management of Cancer Pain
P. 14

Management of Cancer Pain (Second Edition)
                  REVIEW COMMITTEE

                  The draft CPG was reviewed by a panel of experts from both public
                  and private sectors.  They  were asked to  comment primarily on  the
                  comprehensiveness  and accuracy of  the  interpretation of  evidence
                  supporting the recommendations in the CPG.

                                   Dr. Richard Lim Boon Leong
                              Senior Consultant in Palliative Medicine
                                   Hospital Selayang, Selangor

                  Members (alphabetical order)
                  0V  )HOLFLD /RK <XDQ <H     Dr. Nooraini Darus
                  Pharmacist                  Clinical Psychologist & Head Clinical
                  Hospital Selayang, Selangor   Psychology Unit, Department of Psychiatry
                                              and Mental Health
                                              Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur

                  Dato’ Dr. Fitjerald Henry   Dr. Siti Zarina Amir Hassan
                  Head of Surgical Services &   Consultant in Nuclear Medicine
                  Senior Consultant Colorectal Surgeon  Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
                  Hospital Selayang, Selangor

                  Dr. Ismail Aliyas           Dr. Sri Wahyu Taher
                  Senior Consultant Gynae-oncologist   Consultant Family Medicine Specialist
                  Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Kedah    Klinik Kesihatan Simpang Kuala, Kedah
                  Dr. Izzuna Mudla Mohamed Ghazali   Dr. Sylvia McCarthy
                  Deputy Director & Public Health   Medical Director
                  Physician                   Hospis Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
                  MaHTAS, Ministry of Health, Putrajaya
                  Dr. Lee Chee Chan           Dr. Zalina Abdul Razak
                  Consultant Paediatrician in  Head of Anaesthesiology Services &
                  Palliative Medicine         Senior Consultant Anaesthesiologist
                  Hospital Tuanku Azizah, Kuala Lumpur  Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
                  Dr. Loh Ee Chin             Ms. Zuraini Kamal
                  Senior Consultant in Palliative Medicine President
                  Subang Jaya Medical Centre  Persatuan Sukarelawan Kanser Negeri
                  Kuala Lumpur                Kedah, Cancer Survivors Malaysia
                  Dr. Mary Suma Cardosa       Dr. Vaishnavi Jeyasingam,
                  Senior Consultant Anaesthesiologist &  Consultant Clinical Oncologist
                  Pain Specialist             Hospital Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
                  Hospital Selayang, Selangor


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