Page 4 - Beep Beep October 24
P. 4

Colin and Maxine Kiel
welcomed us to their
4C’s Motor Museum
… with picnicking on the lawn.
What a stunning display of rare,
vintage and veteran cars!
Colin and Maxine Kiel kindly
opened their Museum for our club
at their Lake MacDonald home.
Colin gave a knowledgeable talk
on each car to a very captive
audience of enthusiasts.
The entry fees were kindly donated
to Katie Rose Cottage Hospice by
the Kiels – which was very
generous. There was a Greek food
van on hand to serve up some
tasty meals for those having lunch
or picnics while enjoying the shade
on the property.
Great to see Drew Herbert, a
Brisbane member, there too [see
photo]. Drew had been further
north and was on his way home,
so decided to call in and see the
collection. Colin and Maxine share
a passion for their older cars and
memorabilia – great to see such a
collection of beauty. My favourite
was the Sears catalogue order
automobile – what an era it must
have been jumping off a horse
drawn vehicle into one of these!
A very big thanks to Colin and
Maxine – a very impressive
Noel St John Wood
Maxine and Colin
Photos Noel
St John Wood

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