Page 3 - June Beep Beep
P. 3

Well we are finally getting some dry days to take our cars out for runs but unfortunately some of us still don’t trust the weather forecast.
We had a great day on our club car run to the Black Ant at Kin Kin – my navigator Myra managed to get us to the Gympie Gold Museum for morning refreshments and Kin Kin for lunch without doing any U turns ! The members numbers attending on the smaller side [probably because it was Mother’s Day] but a very sociable day with club members.
The reason I joined car clubs over the years was to encourage me to use my cars and I enjoy the clubs car runs and these should be a regular event in our club because that is what a car club is all about – enjoying your special cars and remember your ‘special’ car can be any car you enjoy driving.
On car runs I always have a smile when cars with a navigator just follow the car in front and don’t read the route instructions, and don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with that, however I will give you a scenario.
The leading car being followed by a number of cars miss-reads the route instruction and takes the wrong turn and the club cars behind follow the lead
car thinking the lead car knows the correct route then the driver of the lead car looks in his mirror and says to the passenger we must be on the correct route as we have club cars behind us: now they are all lost!!
I would like to thank all the members for coming to the Club’s Special General Meeting and voting in favour of the revised Club’s Constitution. We can now proceed and submit it for approval with the Queensland Department of Fair Trading.
Happy motoring
Ken McGregor
Phone: 0419 844 566
1 JUNE 2024
     VALE : Phil Candish
Our fellow Club member Phil Candish sadly left us in tragic circumstances when riding with a group of friends on a motorbike outing. He leaves his wife Renee and family from Pomona. A number of Club members have expressed interest in attending the funeral to be held on Monday 3rd June : 1pm : Gregson & Weight, Noosaville. RIP

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