Page 97 - MPGSEPT
P. 97
Ronnie Demorest had been having a nightmare of a week leading up to the Baja Brawl; he received a pair of tickets from the law during his com- mute to the event, he had ordered bike parts for the Brawl that didn’t ship when they were supposed to -- it’s fair to say that things weren’t
going his way. It was a whimsi- cal decision that made him decide
to throw down the twenty dollars
to enter the Mandingo Pickles best whip contest on Friday night. He had mulled it over in his head and figured it would be fun to compete, a nice change of pace from the racing that would take place over the weekend. He attempted to get his family’s blessing, but his requests and sug- gestion all seemed to be met with a resounding ‘No.’ It was at this point that he decided to divulge the infor- mation that he had already signed up and it didn’t really matter if they thought it was a bad idea; he was going to compete. Friday practice had wrapped up and as the sun be- gan to disappear below the horizon, the crowd gathered in the middle of the track at the massive uphill booter that would be used as the launch pad for the best whip contestants.