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If the 2016 Supercross Season were acting as a game of Poker, Gannon Audette is the man sitting across from the dealer, shades on, hood up, keeping to himself. Overlooked by those around him,
he remains quiet, keeping a solemn expression as he holds pocket aces in his hand. He calls the big blind, nothing too lavish, but enough to stay within the game as time begins to pass. A smirk begins to appear as the flop is shown, it widens as the turn is placed, and he’s doing all he can to control his excitement following the river. He goes all in, and is rewarded with something he couldn’t have ever imagined. Audette came into this tour overshadowed and on the back burner of everyone’s radar.
A former Loretta Lynn A Class champion, he had all of what was needed to get back to the top, but unfortunately was missing a tiny piece of stability and confidence. Following a few solid performances in the early portion of the series, he was given a chance from Mitch Payton. Although he endured criticism and speculation, the Minnesotan kept his nose to the grindstone and exceeded everyone’s expectations, taking the opportunity and sprinting with it. With the success he has created thus far, Audette hopes to keep the ball rolling as the series heads into Las Vegas.