P. 28
The variability of Florida weather, always remains a mystery, regardless of the time of year. The heat and humidity of the summer,
the epitome of Hurricane season as autumn creeps in; and don’t forget the rarity of snow flurries this time of year (yes, it’s happened
at this event before.) So what does that mean for all in attendance? Be prepared. Rolloff’s, hooded sweatshirts and jackets, foam for the helmet and brake lever; you name it, you have to bring it. It’s the same with your practice scenario’s throughout the month’s and weeks leading up to the event. Raining outside, dampening your training facility? Suit up anyway. Because anyone who did, prior to this particular week in November, is thanking themselves for it. Once the skies had opened up, their was no stopping the atmosphere from dumping all it’s might onto mother earth. Each rider loaded the gate, knowing what they were getting into, and simply let the bikes rip as they crossed onto the start straight for the first time. The mechanics were behind the line, ducking their heads as though grenades had
MPG • JANUARY • 2017
450 B