Page 5 - IAV Digital Edition #377
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
'Cutest Delivery Boy' Receives Odd Request From Customer
By Caroline Hroncich
Pizza My Heart, a chain based in Northern California, received an out of the ordinary request from a customer last week.
The customer ordered two large pizzas to be delivered to an address in Menlo Park. On the receipt the customer requested, “Send us your cutest delivery boy. Tell me I'm pret.”
According to the chain assumed that “Tell me I'm pret” meant, “Tell me I'm pretty” since the number of characters had cut off on their online delivery system.
"I've had orders like this before so I was expecting a group of college girls," the
pizza delivery boy assigned to the order told the Daily Mirror.
Pizza My Heart is located close to Stanford University, and frequently receives odd requests from partying college students.
But this time, the when the employee arrived at the address, he found some- thing very different.
A lone woman answered the door, with a house dec- orated for a birthday party. But the party was missing one thing- the guests.
During a brief conversation on the doorstep, the woman explained to the boy that she had thrown a birthday party for herself, but no one had shown up.
She invited him in for cake, and he cautiously accept- ed. But what happened next shocked him.
“We laughed and talk the whole time,” he said. “As I was leaving I gave her a hug and told her she was pretty.”
The employee allegedly received a warning from the manager of the store for taking such a long time during the delivery, but he is still an employee at the chain.
But the employee said that regardless of the warning, he thought that cheering up a woman on her birthday was considerably more important.
Brown Horse $400/obo • 818-687-1044380
Free: MiniPincher, female • 818-384-3404380
Free bird: House finch, bright yellow & black mark- ings. Healthy & beautiful •
378 206-5815
Medium size dog, female, to good home only $50 • 917-
dewormed • 202-5966378
Cheweenie pups, 2wks old, very cute $25 • 754-0153378
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Hemme Hay & Feed Inc
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Sliding glass door insert pet entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet
378 8am-8:30pm
4 diff Horse blankets. All in good shape. Needs wash- ing. All for $100 or $35ea • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
50’ round pen. 12’x12 - 4 rail panels + 1x12’ - 4 rail gate panel & 26 clamps
$1000 • 760-559-4777 378
Large tank for fish or rep- tiles. maybe 100gal, 6’ longx 16” wide x 24” tall. With stand, made of heavy iron frame. Does not leak $235 firm • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm 37
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593abel
Free: Mini Pin, female, 5- 7yrs old. Black w/ brown markings, house trained •
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire w/ locking door $38firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
364 8:30pm
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Ultrasound We are open for Walk-ins Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd, Ste E 661-947-0400
12pm-1pm Family Chapel Sacred Heart Church 565 West Kettering Lancaster
Fridays: 12 noon-1pm Saint Mary Church 1600 E. Avenue R-4 Palmdale
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Stop Pearblossom pollu- tion!. Report illegal tires & trash dumping • 723-4440284
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Gorgeous bengal kittens, females, soft & shiny coats, great markings. Parents have both good tempera- ment & on site. 1st shots &

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