Page 7 - IAV Digital Edition #377
P. 7

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
RaPId Lube
Full Service Automotive shop OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $19.99 most cars 2005 Hwy 58 Mojave 661-824-4266
mOJaVe naPa auTO PaRTS Complete Automotive & Foreign Car Parts. Hard to Find Parts. Open 7 Days A Week 2325 Cerro Gordo St Mojave 661-824-4796 661-824-2983
mOJaVe mObIL
Check Cashing • Beer • Soda • Hot & Cold Drinks & Etc. 15190 Sierra Hwy Mojave 661-824-3237
10TH & I SmOg & gaS $20 off with ad on Smog Gas • Check Cashing • Fax • ATM • Copies • Cold & hot Drinks • Snacks 1007 W. Ave I Lancaster 661-726-4975
cHeVROn PeaRbLOSSOm WelCome You WITh FrIendlY ServICe & SmIle 13030 Pearblssom Hwy Pearblossom
QuaRTz HILL mObIL maRT & buRgeRS Gas • Diesel • ATM Fresh Coffee & Donuts, Snacks Breakfast & Lunch. Call In Your order For Pick up 42344 50th St. West & L-8 Quartz Hill 943-0065
QuaRTz HILL auTO PaRTS Foreign & Domestic Parts & accessories Machine Shop Service Open 6 Days a week 42305 N. 50th St. West Quartz Hill 943-1284 943-2062 Tom murphy Owner
POWeR cenTeR caR WaSH & exPReSS OIL cHange Complete Auto Detailing rv • vans • Trucks • Boats 44846 Valley Central Way Lancaster 942-5777
eddIe’S SmOg SeRVIce
10% off on Smog Test Only Must present this coupon 505 W. Ave. J • Lancaster (661)945-9193
ROyaL  caR WaSH Full Service Wash Regular: $8.99 Mon-Thurs Exterior Wash: $6.99 Mon- Thurs $2off on Works Royal TLC 2603 E. Palmdale Bl. • Palmdale (661)265-9936
Handwashing & Detailing Available Open 7 Days Family Owned & Operated Since 1976 1120 W. Ave I • Lancaster (661) 948-3783
aVenue I cHeVROn
Gas • lotto • ATm • Snacks & Groceries • Coffee • Beer & Wines • Cigarettes open 24 hrS 1860 West Ave. I • Lancaster (661)942-3917
Sunny SHeLL
CarWash • Lotto • ATM • Groceries • Propane • Cigarettes • Motor oil • 1853 E. Palmdale Bl. Palmdale 272-0644
2 matching Magazine/Phonebook metal racks for in or outside store $15ea or $25 for both • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
cLOSe OuT:
High Quality Ladies Pantyhose 40¢ each, Suggested Retail $3.75 each;	Knee Hi’s .25¢ each, Suggested Retail $1.25. Great for Swap Meet!!!
Homeless ex-school teacher & military veteran is seeking working condition 17” lap- top, moderately priced •
West and ARRL), plus Disks still current. Paid $75 All for $30 • 760-373-2105 after 11am. 379
13” RCA tv, works great $25
• 860-4435
21” Phillip color tv w/ remote, works great $50 • 860-4435379
61” Samsung tv, needs work $50 • 860-4435379
Old stereo equipments •
Old VCR & DVD combo $5ea • 860-4435379
Old & new Playstation w/ games & accessories $50ea • 860-4435379
15” Colby flat screen LCD TVw/vcr&dvd$50•361- 2367378
5) Boost cell phones • 974- 3380378
Hundreds of records from 60’s & 70’s, $3-$5 • 860- 4435378
150 Video tapes, from $3 • 860-4435378
Brand new Selestron tripod $100 • 860-4435378
Telescope 8” on big metal tripod, lots of extras, every- thing included $200 • 860-
Sanyo TV, big screen $50 • 818-687-1044
TV set $50 cash firm • 445- 3682376
New Phillip DVD/VCR play- er $250 cash firm • 445- 3682376
2015 Atari Flashback game console w/ 20 games, new in box $300firm cash • 445-
3682 376
Large speakers for stereo, darkwood $20firm for both • 445-3682376
Titanic movie, VHS, 2 packs $30 • 947-4343374
Kodak Polycontrast filters for adding color shades to photos $23 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
RadIO SHack
You’ve got questions We’ve got answers. DirecTV & Dish Network Dealer
LG internal CD drive. Brand new. IDE cable included $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only328
Netgear fast ethernet switch. Brand new in box $20 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only328
2 DVD player, works great
$25ea • 860-4435
Amateur (Ham) Radio General & Extra study material. Books (Gordon
If They Had a doting mother
mOna LISa'S mOTHeR:
"After all that money your father and I spent on braces, that's the biggest smile you can give us?"
cOLumbuS' mOTHeR:
"I don't care what you've discovered, you still could have written!"
mIcHeLangeLO'S mOTHeR:
"Can't you paint on walls like other children? Do you have any
idea how hard it is to get that stuff off the ceiling?"
naPOLeOn'S mOTHeR:
"All right, if you aren't hiding your report card inside your jacket, take your hand out of there and show me."
abRaHam LIncOLn'S mOTHeR:
"Again with the stovepipe hat? Can't you just wear a baseball cap like the other kids?"
maRy'S mOTHeR:
"I'm not upset that your lamb followed you to school, but I would like to know how he got a better grade than you."
aLbeRT eInSTeIn'S mOTHeR:
"But it's your senior picture. Can't you do something about your hair? Styling gel, mousse, something...?"
geORge WaSHIngTOn'S mOTHeR:
"The next time I catch you throwing money across the Potomac, you can kiss your allowance good-bye!"
mOSeS' mOTHeR:
"That's a nice story. Now tell me where you've really been for the last forty years."
"Of course I'm proud that you invented the electric light bulb. Now turn it off and get to bed!"
PauL ReVeRe'S mOTHeR:
"I don't care where you think you have to go, young man, midnight
is past your curfew."

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