Page 11 - IAV Digital Magazine #406
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ChinaWon’t ReleaseNew‘Ghostbusters,’ IsDefinitelyAfraidof Ghosts
By Anthony Couto It’s now been confirmed that the “Ghostbusters” reboot won’t release in China, due to it being deemed not “attractive” enough for Chinese audiences who might not have seen the first two films.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, there was a good chance “Ghostbusters” wouldn’t be released in China anyways, consid- ering its supernatural content and China’s ban on films that “promote cults or superstition.” The film even changed its Chinese title to remove the word “ghost.” “Ghostbusters” was to be titled “Super Power Dare Die Team” in China.
Regardless of the ban, China Film Co. says the decision to block “Ghostbusters” from China comes down to its inaccessibility to
Chinese audiences. “It’s been confirmed that Ghostbusters won’t be coming to China, because they think it’s not really that attractive to Chinese audiences,” one Chinese executive told THR. “Most of the Chinese audience didn’t see the first and second movies, so they don’t think there’s much mar- ket for it here.” The origi-
nal “Ghostbusters” was- n’t theatrically released in China.
Without sales from China to rely on, it’s possible “Ghostbusters” could debut with under- whelming numbers from the global box office. While comedies tend to perform worse overseas, “Ghostbusters” has a strong genre element
that could serve the film well in territories outside North America, like China.
Directed by Paul Feig, co-written by Feig and Katie Dippold, and star- ring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, “Ghostbusters” hits theaters on July 15.
Bob’s Military Store • 661-824-3333
2100 Mono Street • Mojave, CA 93501 Behind Denny’s • Fax: 661-824-8889
Old upright piano, xlnt tone, beautiful cabinet, Ivory keys
$475 • 946-2783 410
Fruit trees: Loquat, prome- granate, guava $12each •
408 400-2494
4 car trailer loads of fire- wood, half green & half dry $100;	Level pick up truck load $25; Trailer load $50 •
bet 8am-8:30pm376
Manure/Seed spreaders. 3 to choose from. xlnt cond $25each • 272-9273 bet
37 8:30am-8:30pm
Round metal patio table $22, sturdy • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only366
Round top patio table, 36” round. Fiberglass top, metal frame, sturdy $30 • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Round portable, mini BBQ. Great for tailgates, beach or home Looks & works fine 28”tall x 15” round $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm334
Bath tub, shower doors, glass. 2 complete sets, like
410 new $50each • 943-6804
Windows: 3x4 sliding, dou- ble pane, white vinyl $55 •
408 579-5333
Windows: Double sliding, aluminum, 5x8, double pane
408 $55 • 579-5333
Bathroom vent fan $15; Pfizer Price bathroom faucet $20;	Water evaporative cooloer motor $25 • 256-
405 4904
Ceramic tiles, newer, enough to do a bathroom, make offer • 206-5815404
Electrical 1/2” steel flexline, 500ft for electrician, no fault boxes included. Make offer •
943-6071 401
32” Pre-hung interior door. New but has some minor stains. Pre-bored for lockset $40 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Simpson strong ties 66L angles, 10pcs per box. 6”x6” L shaped bracket. 4 boxes. Total of 43pcs. $35/box or $125 for all pieces • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm 334
Large inventory of new plumbing fixtures, fasteners & etc. Make offer • 824-
217 3333
Large inventory of new elec- trical supplies. make offer •
217 824-3333
Miscellaneous hardware, bolts, nuts, nails & etc. Make offer • 824-3333217
Large quantity of misc hard- ware from hardware store. Approx 2500sqft. $35,000 • 824-3333216
Water heater, air compres- sor, tools, Lawn equipment,
Upright piano full size, solid wood. Older, works good $250 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm only
250 Vinyl records, from 60’s thru 90’s $250 • 925-209-
402 4657
Yamaha piano, polished fin- ish, black, almost new, make offer • 944-7171
Kawai organ, great cond, sounds great, make offer • 944-7171
Conn Artist Organ, 1960's Model, Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition, $2500/obo • 265-
0261 dp
Used glass shower doors, No tracks or rails. One side mirror, one side frosted glass. Good to fair cond. Matching set $40 • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm
Corrugated Galvanized Drain Pipe. 18inch By 20 feet, Brand New $150each.
I have 10 •  265-0261
Outdoor fireplace. Great for lawn & garden $135 • 236-
Roll up bay door, 9’x9’ tall. No rails, great cond $225firm • 272-9273 bet
Birdhouse/mailbox stand/holder (no mailbox) $17. New, will not rust, white color, Posting kit only • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Custom wrought iron, ornate steel patio table 4/ 4 custom chairs w/ back & seat padding, xlnt cond $250 •
HOmE &
Matching /stacking patio chairs $25. Older but still work good • 272-9273 bet
8:30pm only
Glass light covers for inside houses or add ons. 12”& 9.5” & 6.5” diameters. For older type light fixtures • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
334 8:30pm
8 Simpson strong ties joist for 2”x12” planks, $8ea or $55 for all • 272-9273 bet
334 8:30am-8:30pm
drill • 350-6313 / 948-5190
deWolFe lUmBeR co & hARdWARe UHAUL rentALS - Boxes Hardware, Building materials, Paint, Plumbing, Irrigations & drip Supplies, Nuts & Bolts. Since 1952 5041 West Ave M Quartz Hill
3pcs plastic gate/ portable barrier $35. Strong & durable vinyl. Easy put up/ take down. 33” wide x40.5 tall x99” long • 272-9273 bet
Briggs & Stratton 10k Ohm generator. Needs work $495
408 • 917-3383
Carpenter/Concrete tools, 100feet electrical cords & other items. Make offer •
406 943-6071
Plastic hose reel. Good cond. Rolls $18 • 272-9273
8:30pm only
corrugated Galvanized drain Pipe Corrugated Galvanized Drain Pipe 18inch By 20 feet,
Brand New $150.00 each. I have 10 (661) 265-0261

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