Page 10 - IAV Digital Magazine #406
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Husband Dies After His Wife Grabbed&SqueezedHisPrivate PartsDuringHeatedFight
A Vietnamese wife who’s also a mother to two daughters is being questioned for the death of her spouse after she grabbed and squeezed her husband’s testicles during a heated fight for at least five minutes.
The tragic incident took place on Sunday night in the southern Vietnamese province of Tien Giang when the 53-year-old man, Le Kim Khai, went to his estranged wife’s home.
Phan Thi Kim Chuong, aged 55, and their two daughters, had refused to let him. Instead of leaving, Khai forced his way in by cutting the lock on the door with a hand-saw and a fight ensued between the estranged couple.
In a story by Vietnam’s Tuoi Tre News, it was disclosed that Khai had repeatedly hit
Chuong with his fist, which their daughters had witnessed as they begged for their father
to stop. Khai then turned on one of his daughters and started assaulting her as well; something that most mothers can’t stand – the sight of their chil- dren being beaten.
The mother then screamed for help as she struggled to fight off her husband’s attacks — by grabbing his testi- cles — which had apparently put him down to the floor. The furious wife seized the moment to jump on her husband’s belly, while still squeezing his pri- vate parts.
Neighbors who finally responded to her
screams for help told her to let go of her hold which had taken around five minutes. Khai had reportedly lost con- sciousness and died on the way to a hospital.
It was revealed through an autopsy that the hus- band “had food stuck on his windpipe during the incident, and died from tracheal effusion, which led to suffocation.”
The Tien Giang police was told by Chuong of the numerous assaults done by Khai in the past, but she added that what she did to her hus- band’s private parts was only meant to ‘warn’ him and not to kill him.
conn Artist organ
1960's Model Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition $2500/obo (661) 265-0261
hutch 1920’s-30’s
3shelves, 5Drawers, 2Glass doors, no Scratches,
Xlnt condition Reduced! $300/obo 661-948-8924
GUnS & AmmO
Wanted: Parts for a Western auto 330-410 shot-
dresser$300. Both in xlnt cond • 943-6071403
Antique radio jet wagon $69. It’s been exposed to outside weather. Great peti- na • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Antique Mantel Clock col- lection. Late 1800's to 1930's & 60's. 6 clocks total, All $2200 • 265-0261
Antique 1960’s tricycle for restoration project. Complete. Restore it or used as yard decoration $45 • 272-9273 bet 8am-
$50; Trading cards w/ hold- ers $25 • 947-4343394
50 Penthouse cards, good cond $50 • 947-4343403
Betty Boops handbags, almost new $15 • 947-4343403
1954 Elvis Pressley Illustration record book $30
403 • 947-4343
Avon from 1960-80’s. 50 items in perfect cond. All for $50 • 943-6071403
NSync “Joey” on tour figure/ Marionette $23, in box. Never removed • 272-9273
high x 13.75”widex 1.5”thick. Great for man- cave, bar or office. Brown background w/ white letter- ing $28 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Accordion, xlnt cond $300 •
410 946-2783
gun • 256-4904
1950’s China cabinet, solid
bet 8:30am-8:30pm only
Antique wooden chair. Real old, solid wood chair. Mid 1940’s- Mid 50’s. Maybe old school house chair. Ready to be refurbished • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm
Costco stair/step stool, xlnt cond 40-50yrs old. 13 1/2” wide x 11” deep x 35” tall $47 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
wood $75 • 943-6071
8:30pm only
466-7918 406
Movie star nude cards $30 •
947-4343 405
Box of baseball, hockey, basketball & football cards, 3000pcs $40 for the whole
box • 947-4343 Over 2000 Baseball cards
1960’s vintage Coca Cola sign $65. • 272-9273 bet
1920’s Tappan gas stove, xlnt cond $500 • 943-6071
Walt Disney pitcher collec- tion. Items in frame glass,
410 make offer • 722-6785
2 Military maps of Louisiana & Missisippi from 1939-44 •
8am-8:30pm only
3) 1942 Army canteens w/ belts $50 for all • 943-6071
1900’s large coffee grinder, xlnt cond $600 & other cof- fee grinder $400 • 943-
6071 1900’s Hope chest $200 &
Planter Peanut round tin can 1994. Great collector piece $15 • 272-9273 bet
8am-8:30pm only
1970’s Miller beer high life plastic sign for bar. 18.5”
WhiteWomanWalksInBlack Neighborhood: I’mSorryBlackAmerica
By Aurdina Bigos CHICAGO (CBS)
Her message is direct. Just four words: Black America, I’m Sorry.
Laurella Willis’ methods are turning heads on Chicago’s South Side, CBS 2’s Audrina Bigos reports.
“It’s very touching,” said one resident. “Especially someone who’s not col- ored.”
About 20 miles a day, Willis walks with the sign. She says she is sorry about “everything that’s going on in America.”
The violence, the anger, the racial tension, all of it.
“I don’t want to continue to see Black American being oppressed, and held down and killed like animals,” Willis said.
WVON Radio host Mark Wallace spotted Willis walking on 87th Street.
“No one put her up to this and she woke up and decided White America there’s a prob- lem and we need to do
something about it,” Wallace said.