Page 8 - IAV Digital Magazine #406
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
racks for in or outside store $15ea or $25 for both • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm33
cloSe oUT:
High Quality Ladies Pantyhose 40¢ each, Suggested Retail $3.75 each;	Knee Hi’s .25¢ each, Suggested Retail $1.25. Great for Swap Meet!!! 661-944-7171
LG internal CD drive. Brand new. IDE cable included $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only328
TV 19” $30;	TV 13” $25; Toaster Oven $40 • 714-
2 TVs, work well $20ea • 723-0362407
VHS movies, 2packages $30 • 947-4343401
Slide projector, screen & reels from 1960-70’s $88. Brand name is Grand Prix, Sold as set only. Works & looks great • 272-9273 bet
385 8:30am-8:30pm
Kodak Polycontrast filters for adding color shades to photos $23 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
Rosamond: Looking for cleaning lady, no criminal record • 972-0602410
Now hiring! Auto techni- cians. Call 661-274- 7595ser
Looking for barbers, pls call 661-208-0163 for detailspd
2 stroke mechanic needed. 1-2days/month. For chain saws, weed wackers, lawn- mowers. Own tools pref- fered. Pay based on experi- ence. Starting wage $12/hr. Must have reliable refernces & transportation. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm • 272-
ed to run front office. Fax resume to: 661-537-6075 or email at:
Now Hiring: LCSW's, MFT's and Certified Alcohol and Drug Instructors needed to teach in Alcohol and Drug Studies Program for the weekend program in Palmdale, CA and Los Angeles, Ca locations. Fax resume to: 661-537-6075 or email at:
Pandora & Disney beads & charms $15each or 2 for $25. Limited quantities •
945-5663 410
Older style suitcase, new $25each • 943-6071408
Men & women shirts $3ea • 723-0362407
Big box custom jewelry $10 • 233-3389405
20 new women’s purses, xlnt cond, make offer • 943- 6071403
Women clothing, medium size & other household items. Make offer • 943- 6071399
Vintage old antique jewelry, mint cond. Find it all in Bob Navy & Army store in
Mojave • 824-3333 250
For reseller or swap meeters: Close out sale. Below wholesale. Pantyhose, saleable colors. • 944-7171
Authentic Filipino Cuisine Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Let us cater your next big event: Wedding, Birthday, Holiday Parties & Others 43633 15th Street West lancaster 661-949-9696
jAckIe’S cAFe
830 W. Avenue L Lancaster, Ca 661-951-7995
Baker • Cafe • Catering Healthy Foods Great Environment Free WIFI 43458 10th St West#101
TAcoS SI SeñoR Ice cream Parlor & Fine Italian Restaurant light Sicilian Summer cuisine 2701 Sierra Hwy Rosamond 3 blks south of Rosamond Bl. 661-256-1022
SPeedy joe’S ReSTAURANT Home Style Mexican Restaurant Especials All day! Tacos, Burritos, Tortas, Enchiladas, Tamales & More 40205 10th Street West Across Walmart Mega Store 266-9625
VIllAGe GRIlle
Week’s Special:
Steak combo: $7.35
Steak & choice of: PorkChop, Santa Fe Chicken, (2)Fried Cod, Oysters 44303 N. Sierra Hwy Lancaster 942-7760
Authentic Mexican food
Enjoy Our Delicious Power Lunches Family owned & operated 44139 N. Sierra Hwy Lancaster 940-3443
Free Delivery From Open To 30 minutes Before Closing. Pizza, Pasta, Salads, Calzone. try our new line of Authentic mexican Foods 8714 East Ave T #M Littlerock 944-0827 944-0187
WAySIde cAFe
ALL YOU CAN EAT DAILY SPECIALS Open 7 days 5:30am- 8pm Breakfast Special: $3.95 Senior 10% Discount 2835 Sierra Hwy Rosamond 256-3437
mom’S TeRIyAkI BoWl
“mom’S cook is always the Best” TASTe lIke homemAde! Open: Mon-Sat: 10:00am-8pm We Cater 1128 W. Ave I • Lancaster 945-9240
17116 E. Ave O Lake Los Angeles (661)264-1730
At Alice’s our goal is to present our customers w/ high quality food & service. We prepare our food from scratch using high quality ingrdients in a sanitary environment. We cook w/ canola oil w/c is cholesterol free & very low in saturated fats. We deep fry in pure vegetable shortening w/c contains no ani- mal fats.
open daily
801 W. Palmdale Bl. • Palmdale
Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants. Gourmet Coffee 1884 E. Ave J Lancaster (661)723-9991
Sandwiches, Croissant, Bagels, Smoothies, Ice Mocha, Gourmet Coffee, Cappuccino & Etc. Special 14 donuts for $3.99
Small: $2.99 w/soda large: $3.99 w/soda retail/Wholesale 39522 10th st. West #D Palmdale Behind McDonalds 273-3078
doNUT INN #43
Baked Fresh Daily
Donuts, Muffins, Scones, Pastries, Cookies, Croissants, Bagels Gourmet Coffee 4654 E. Avenue S # C Palmdale (661)285-4471
Boxspring & mattress $20 •
408 674-6551
Darkwood queen size wood- en bedframe, no mattress, headboard, sideboard, foot- board, xlnt cond • 526-
6541 King mattress & boxspring,
FoRd dIeSel
Ford Diesel hydraulic front & back, Xlnt Cond, Must See to appreciate! $7,950/obo or trade for smaller truck 661-733-4834
Lancaster: Laborers needed to load & unload junk & scrap. Must be 18& over. $10/hr cash. Clean drivers license a big plus but not necessary. Text Mr Harvey
bet 8am-6pm • 272-9273
Auto mechanic needed. Own tools preffered. All phases of repair. Have reli- able references. Part time, flexible hrs, 3-4days/ month. Must know trailer wiring. Pay based on experience. Starting $12-$13/hr. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm •
like new $200 • 526-6541 408
5 Chairs, burgundy, covered
in plastic $50 • 674-6551 408
Couch w/ pillows, hideaway
Now Hiring: Clerical/Receptionist need-
Teacher Who Wanted To "Get Baked" With "Hot" Students Losing Job
By Greg Adomaitis
GLOUCESTER TWP. — A former Timber Creek High School math teacher who suggested via text message he "get baked" with "hot" under- age students will lose his teaching certificate, according to a decision from the state Department of Education's board of examiners.
David Clune, who cur- rently holds two mathe- matics certificates issued in 2003 and 2004, was a tenured member of the Black Horse Pike Regional School District. He was arrested in August 2013 and charged with harassment as a result of his alleged texts and online messages to two students. "I always noticed u in the halls, between u and me...very hot and u look mature," Clune allegedly texted her over the Fourth of July weekend that year, according to the board of examiners' decision, which continues to include Clune's invitation
to "shoot the s*** and get baked...just me and u though..."
In all, the school district alleged Clune's "unbe- coming conduct" includ- ed 70 text and Facebook messages to the two for- mer students. He also used classroom or prep
time to access websites not related to school work and failed to report an August 2013 arrest for a domestic distur- bance.
In response to a 2014 order to show cause as to why his certificates shouldn't be revoked,
Clue argued in a Jan. 2015 answer that he was under "considerable stress" as a result of his parents' failing health. Further, his disabled wife did not go to the shore with him that Fourth of July weekend for a fami- ly party, "causing him to become depressed and to overindulge in alco- hol."
For those reasons, Clune's answer included admitting to the allega- tions but denying his cer- tificates should be revoked.
"Teachers ... are profes- sional employees to whom the people have entrusted the care and custody of ... school chil- dren. This heavy duty requires a degree of self- restraint and controlled behavior rarely requisite to other types of employ- ment," the board of examiners ruled in a May vote to revoke.
The board adopted the decision on June 23 and ordered Clune's two mathematics certificates revoked immediately.

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