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Pistol-packing Grandma Charged With Peddling Pills, Cops Say
By Kevin Shea TRENTON — A month-long inves- tigation into someone selling pre- scription pain pills from an East Ward home ended with the arrest of the alleged dealer: a 71-year- old grandmother.
Police allege Eudean McMillan protected her pills - brands of oxy- codone and other medications - with a .38-caliber handgun and a sawed-off shotgun.
Trenton police's Violent Crimes / Warrant unit apprehended McMillan at about 12 noon
Thursday during a raid of her Chestnut Avenue home.
Despite the unit's name, officers familiar with the operation said McMillan was not violent, but cooperative and friendly - although allegedly well armed.
Officers said she also had a stock of juice boxes and small bags of chips - the kind parents usually pack for kids lunches - and offered them to her buyers.
She was allegedly selling pills for $20 a piece. "Most unusual bust of my career,"
one veteran city officer said.
McMillan is charged with numer- ous drug possession, drug deal- ing and firearms violations - including maintaining a narcotics nuisance, and possession of a firearm during a drug scheme.
Before entering McMillan's home, officers arrested Kenneth Odom, 58, of Tyrell Avenue, moments after he allegedly bought pills from her.
Officers found Odom with 251 pills - including the brands, Endo, Suboxone and oxycodone pills. He is charged with several drug possession and dealing charges.
Inside McMillan's home, investiga- tors found $3,200 in cash, plus 165 pills, including Endo and Xanax, then the firearms.
McMillan posted $20,000 bail at 7 p.m. Thursday night and was released.
Odom was jailed on $50,000 bail and was still behind bars Friday.
Trenton police detectives Lt. Rolando Ramos and Sgt. Anthony Manzo led the investigation.
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