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FDA Approves Drug To Help Dogs Frightened By Fireworks
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — This Fourth of July holiday weekend, fireworks will be booming around the country, cre- ating loud noises leave many pets trembling with anxiety.
However, there is a new drug that could help dogs during those intense moments.
Zoe the dog loves the outdoors. But loud nois- es like thunderstorms and especially fireworks make her extremely nervous and anxious.
“Her tail immediately zooms between her legs. Her body starts shaking,” explained her owner, Arlene Lenok. “She starts to pace. Then she pants where the tongue is out.”
Zoe is among one-third of pets who suffer from what’s called noise aver- sion. Now the Food and Drug Administration has approved the first and
only drug to help dogs with the problem.
Dr. Gary Yarnell with the Rye Harrison Veterinary Hospital in New York
says the drug Sileo can provide a calming effect without sedating pets.
“It’s not a tranquilizer, per se. It works on the
nervous system to inhibit the release of adrenaline or nor-epinephrine,” said Yarnell.
Dogs with severe heart, breathing, liver or kidney problems should not take the drug.
Dr. Yarnell suggests owners try comforting their pets before turning to medication.
“One thing I would rec- ommend, if your dog has a serious noise aversion tendencies is probably to stay with the animal,” said Yarnell. “Do not leave them at home alone.”
Zoe’s owner Arlene is glad she has options. She plans to give Zoe the drug before the fire- works start this holiday.
Fireworks are a big trig- ger. Shelters say the July 4th holiday is one of their busiest times with so many spooked pets running away.
bed, very good cond $50; Area rug $20ea • 674-6551408
2 Wood side dressers w/ 2 drawers on each $20ea • 723-0362407
Wicker bedroom set, 2 night stand, 2 lamps, box spring & mattress, headboard $785 • 349-3660407
Computer desk, black $10; 5 dining room chairs, cov- ered in plastic $50 • 349- 3660407
Table 41Lx28”w, w/ glasstop, oval shape, very good cond $60 • 723-0362407
Table 58” L x16” W w/ glasstop $30 • 723-0362407
Dresser $40 • 946-0962407
Large couch $100 • 946- 0962407
Computer table $15 • 946- 0962407
King size waterbed, Armoir, night stands, dresser. Make offer • 943-6071407
5 Dining chairs, burgundy $75 • 874-8101406
Computer table $15 • 874- 8101406
Wicker bedroom set, 2 night stands, 2 lamps $75 • 874- 8101406
3pcs sofa bed, blck leather $150 • 718-2020406
TV stand, like new $75 • 718-2020406
Large beautiful mirror $35 • 718-2020406
Large couch w/ hideaway bed, off white $50 • 874- 8101406
2 sofas, large & small, tan $50 for both • 718-2020404
3)Foldable chaise lounges $30 for all. Vinyl & metal • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only404
2 China cabinets $300each • 943-6071403
Round oak dining w/ 2 matching chairs. Great cond $75 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only403
Good looking dining table w/ 2 matching chairs $55 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only403
Costco jewelry boxes w/ 8 drawers & storage panels. Top open out, xlnt cond $75 • 943-6071402
Kids dresser, 6 drawers bot- tom & 3 on top • 943-6071401
1950’s Maple hutch, xlnt cond $100 • 943-6071401
Antique solid wood end table. Maybe late 50’s to early 60’s. 19 1/2” wide x 23” tall x 26” long $50firm • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm377
Torch style lamp, upright, black, sturdy, great cond $27 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only375
Antique wooden fold down dining table $75. Maybe mid 1950?. Sturdy & fashion- able. 46 3/4” wide x 40” long x 30” tall. 2sides, fold down. No removable leaf • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only373
Twin size metal rolling “L” shape bed frame. Looks & works great $28. Frame only, no bed • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only359
Twin/full size adustable rolling bed frame, great cond $30 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Wooden stool for work bench, solid & sturdy $15 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
South Carolina Town Bans Saggy Pants, $600 Fine Or Repeat Offenders
One small town in South Carolina has had enough of the sagging pants, and they have passed an ordinance that would fine people for wearing them.
During the Timmonsville, South Carolina Council Meeting Tuesday night, members passed the ordinance 5 to 1. Mayor Pro Tem William James, Jr said the ordinance is about integrity and respecting yourself. "Intentionally displayed" undergarments that can be seen in public because of saggy pants
will not be allowed. The ordinance read: "It shall be unlawful for any person driv- ing or walking in the streets and roads of the Town of Timmonsville to:
(a) Engage in pub- lic nudity;
(b) display porno- graphic material such that others are unwantingly exposed to the same or that minors are able to view the same;
(c) display the flesh of one's rear-end, behind,
or backside during sta- tionary or movement within the city limits;
(d) wear pants, trousers, or shorts such that the
known undergar- ments are intention- al [sic] displayed/exposed to the public."
On the first violation, authorities will give a verbal warning. On the second, they may issue a written warning along with having their name listed in a law enforcement reg- istry. If a third viola- tion occurs, a cita- tion will be issued along with a $100 - $600 fine as the
judge sees fit.
Antique mantel clock collection Antique Mantel Clock collection Late 1800's to 1930's & 60's 6 clocks total, All $2200.00 661-265-0261