Page 15 - 2022 Calendar IIT Kharagpur
P. 15

Aggression & Imperialism
              Aggression & Imperialism

              An Invasion
               An Invasion

                                From a system of Philology & Linguistics to Racial Primacy

                     Max Müller                                 Implying a biologically                             Finally, works of

                is often identified as the                        distinct sub-group,                         Houston Stewart
                  first writer to mention                  Arthur de Gobineau                                     Chamberlain

                    an "Aryan race" in                         argued that the Aryans
                 English. In his Lectures                      represented a superior                     advanced Gobineau's ideas that
                     on the Science of                           branch of humanity.                       later influenced the Nazi recial

                     Language (1861).                                                                        ideology which saw "Aryan
                                                                                                          peoples" as innately superior to

                                                                                                           other putative racial groups...

              November                                                                                                    2022

              SUN                 MON                   TUE                WED                  THU                   FRI                 SAT

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                                                   Guru Nanak's Birthday

               13                  14                   15                  16                  17                   18                   19

               20                  21                   22                  23                  24                   25                   26

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                                         ¦ÉÉ®iÉÒªÉ |ÉÉètÉäÊMÉEòÒ ºÉƺlÉÉxÉ JÉcMÉ{ÉÖ®

                                         INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR
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