Page 11 - 2022 Calendar IIT Kharagpur
P. 11
Cosmic Symmetry:
The Septuplet Chord
The twin Asvins represent oscillations of Night and day; Dissolution and Re-creation of the universe, in
seven-headed thought (Sages) and meters (Matrikas) in the Vedas. They are evident in the Indus Valley
artefacts (5500 – 2000 BCE)
Throughout the Rig Veda, the Sama and the Atharva Liberation is achieved through Yoga. It is evident as seven
Veda, the twin riders represent an oscillating system. chords, the Septuplet Matrix, the power of the Seven
They are portrayed as the giver of Madhu, the elixir of Sages, the Sapta-Matrikas, as the seven tones of a rainbow
immortality, the very secret of inter-connectedness of or the seven tunes in a musical scale.
consciousness in this universe. Thus Vedic Cosmology is The loom of the fabric of Aryan civilization is a vast and
a direct clue to philanthropy and altruism as against warm landscape, and the Aryan Rishis are kind and
dialectics of racial superiority and inferiority, as generous; their goals are sovereign and democratic! But
promoted by Colonial historians. the objectives of the Aryan Invasion is one of aggression,
The idea influenced the Ying and the Yang of the Asia genetic superiority by race and skin color. The gospel of
Pacific to the Apollonian and Dionysian Duet of ancient the Vedas is based on principles of adaptation, acceptance
Greece. Modern Science call it’s the duality of the and assimilation; where as the Aryan invasion myth is
analytical and the intuitive, the split of left and right brain based on aggression, invasion and extermination of other
thinking. The balance of the two is Libra, the fulcrum of races ! They do not match.
August 2022
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Independence Day Janmashtami
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