Page 6 - 2022 Calendar IIT Kharagpur
P. 6

Non-linear Flow
              Non-linear Flow

              & Changes
              & Changes

              Flow as realized by the Arya Sages is synchronous with the Indus Valley Seals (5500 – 2000 BCE)

              Rig Veda (1. 164) and the whole of Yadjur Veda mention the                    To the conventional 4 seasons, the Indian Rishis
              constructs of flow (Kriya) as cyclic changes. They occur at the               drew inspiration from the additional two, which is
              cosmic level, and are expressed as evolution at the individual                Monsoon (rainy season) and Pre-Autumnal
              level.  The parable of the flow of seasons; an iteration of cycles of         festivity (Saradiya), very much in the Indian
              summer and winter, or spring and autumn are various allegories                ecosystem of climate and culture.
              or metaphors. Chinese philosopher Confucius and Lao-Tzu have                  The cycle of the six seasons is the epitome of the
              also used these parables.                                                     wheel of life in the Vedas, and stands for the

              In the quadrangular system of changes, the Indian Arya Rishi-                 steadfast parable of a Eka-sringa (Unicorn)
              mind expanded the idea. Within the fold of the Indian Climate                 Rhinoceros in Buddhism, evident again and again
              and the Indian ecosystem, they observed the flow in 6 stages, the             in the Indus Valley seals. The invading Aryans, if
              parable of called ‘Sada Ritu Chakra’ as an underlying dynamism                any, had no idea of these subtle constructs. It
              over time.                                                                    fulfills the disapproval of the invasion myth.

              April                                                                                                       2022

              SUN                 MON                   TUE                WED                  THU                   FRI                 SAT

                                                                                                                        1                     2

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               10                  11                   12                  13                  14                   15                   16

                                                                                               Mahavir Jayanti       Good Friday

               17                  18                   19                  20                  21                   22                   23

               24                  25                   26                  27                  28                   29                   30

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                                         INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KHARAGPUR
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