Page 8 - Lovemore Bros Company Profile November 2022
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Lovemore Bros Warehousing provides specialised solutions and
services for the handling, storage and transport of industrial
products. Locations near the ports of Durban and Richard Bay and
in JNB provide for cost-effective and efficient movement of import
and export goods through South Africa.
Warehouses with 45t Overhead Locations in Durban, Richards Bay
cranes and 16m height to handle and Johannesburg are strategically
abnormal cargo. positioned to optimize the most
cost effective and efficient
Specialised warehousing solu- movement of import and export
tions for machine and project goods through Southern Africa.
related cargo.
Transparent communication
Cargo handling performed by between the client and warehouse
qualified and experienced riggers management.
and equipment operators.
Services include crating of
Customs controlled bonded equipment into fully seaworthy
storage facilities wooden crates.