Page 3 - OPE Nov 22-Feb 23
P. 3

 Edgers, Tillers, Blowers, Drillmasters
                                        OPE HOME & AWAY
Hansa super busy at home and abroad
 THE HANSA TEAM has been
enjoying being back in their Hamilton headquarters following the completion of its now refurbished building extension affected by a fire earlier this year.
Finally, you can now hear the familiar hum from the workshop, it’s bustling and clattering, teams are laughing and chatting.
“It’s like we’ve never been gone and yet completely different,” says Chloe Leung.
With new welding bays, upgraded blasting room, spray booths, oven, assembly areas as well as hoists for service and commercial builds, the team has been busy readjusting to new equipment as well as the updated production workflow developed by Hansa’s engineers.
Work on the “bridge” has already begun and Hansa is ready to reclaim the space from the demolished workshop to re-connect the offices to the workshop and double the production space once completed in 2023.
Hansa has been very busy abroad as well as at home.
“When you embark on taking on Europe, there is only one way to do it, and that is with commitment,” according to Hansa MD
Martin Vogel after returning from a month in Europe.
With the production space in the safe hands of the team, Martin was able to get up to Europe again.
“I was last there in 2019, so it was great
to be able to get back there and meet our customers and distributors face to face again”.
Alongside visiting Hansa’s distribution partners, Martin, and Steven Milburn (Hansa Europe MD) met with New Zealand Trade & Enterprise and other key contacts in market.
With a back-to-back schedule and the support of John Lyon (Hansa Australia MD) the Hansa team had stands at no less than six tradeshows across Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Indeed, the Hansa team presented the Kiwi brand to 280,000+ trade show visitors across more than 23 days of shows.
Rest assured however that New Zealanders won’t be missing out on seeing Hansa this year – you can see them at the National Fieldays (30 Nov to 3 Dec).
We look forward to following Hansa’s progress in the European market and you expect further updates in coming weeks. n
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