P. 13
d. A good text description is structured. There are various ways to arrange
the intended descriptive text: chronological (time), spatial (location)
and order of importance. When describing a person, the writer can start
by describing the physique which is then followed by how a person
thinks, feels and does.
5. Generic structure and text elements
Usually, each genre has its own characteristics in terms of rhetorical
structure or generic structure and text elements. Description text also has its
own characteristics, below is the generic structure and text elements of the
description text
Text Elements Function
Identification • A sentence that describes and illustrates the
topic/theme to be described
• Sentences must be interesting and able to
attract and provoke readers so that readers
become interested in reading a complete
• It is preferable to use adjectives and adjective
Description • A complete description of the topic/theme in the
identification paragraph
• Description is a detailed description or
elaboration of a topic or theme described in the
identification paragraph
The text elements above are general standards and generics used in
compiling descriptive text. The element consists of two main elements,
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