P. 16

•  Communism can be a challenging ideology

                           As  described  earlier,  to  have  more  interest  is  very  important  and

                  therefore the use of adjectives is required except for adverbs. For example,

                  a description of a place such as the state University of Jakarta can also be

                  described using the items provided: location, transportation, facilities and

                  equipment provided, weather and supporting areas etc.

                   7. Linguistic Features

                      a.  Relevant grammatical patterns

                               The grammatical patterns of certain writing genres seem to have

                      more specific differences and features. This happens because different

                      genres  of  writing  will  produce  different  things  in  terms  of  different

                      communicative  purposes,  readers,  and  contexts  in  terms  of  when  it

                      happened,  how  it  happened  or  why  it  happened.  In  general,  the

                      general grammatical pattern of the intended description text:

                          1)  Using present tense and present perfect tense.

                          2)  Using  verbs  that  describe  or  illustrate  the  condition  of  a

                              topic/theme being described.

                          3)  Use passive sentences

                          4)  Using attribute and process identification

                               The use of the present tense for descriptive text seems to be a

                      necessity and it becomes a kind of 'trade mark' for descriptive text. Then,

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