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Lizzy Miss as a researcher:                    of  our  College  campus  in  2019,  first  of  its  kind  by  the
                Lizzy ma’am is the first research scholar who obtained   Department of Botony. In addition to these she has
                Ph.D. under the guidance of  Dr.Sr.Margaret Mary, one   authored a lab manual and contributed book chapters.
                of  the  stalwarts  of  the  Botany  Department.  The  Ph.D.   Lizzy ma’am served the institution in various capacities
                thesis of Dr. Lizzy Mathew on the family ‘Polygalaceae‘ is   - NSS coordinator, TRAAC Coordinator, Research Dean,
                a work well appreciated by the scientific community. Dr.   staff advisor of ASTA, staff advisor of student grievance
                Lizzy Mathew is still an ardent researcher and builds a   redressal cell, Arts club music club etc. She was the
                keen research aptitude in her students as well. Her soul   student dean during the academic year 2008-2009.
                always strives to go deep into the underlying mystery of   Dr. Lizzy Mathew hails from Manjikarottu family at
                seemingly simple things in nature, which is exemplified by   Edappally and is the elder daughter of Late Sri. M.L.Mathai,
                her National and International research publications.  Retd.Office Superintendent, INS Venduruthy, Naval Base,
                As an Outstanding Leader:                      Kochi and Smt. M.T.Mary, Retd. Superintendent, Naval
                Dr. Lizzy Mathew was the Head of the Department   Aeronautical Technical School, Naval base, Kochi.
                of Botany from 2007 to 2009 and 2015 to 2018 and   Her  husband,  Dr.  T.P.Ouseph,  Retd  Chief  Manager  of
                under her able headship the Department progressed   South Indian Bank, is presently working as the Faculty
                substantially. She was instrumental in obtaining DBT/  of Economics at XIME, Kalamassey. Their daughter Asha
                STAR funding for the institution and for starting the M.Phil   Jose, who is also a gifted singer, is doing her  Research in
                Programme. Among the innumerable  qualities in her, the   Management. Mrs. Maria Mathew, her younger sister, is
                most important one is the systematic and quick execution   the DGM at Rajagiri Hospital.
                of  her official duties.                       Dr.Lizzy’s hobbies and interests are varied. She sings
                It was a matter of great pride to the Department when   beautifully, in fact the entire family makes a music team.
                she was appointed as the Principal of the college in 2020.   Her culinary expertise is extraordinary. She paints and
                She became  the captain of a ship which was  sailing in   draws exceptionally well. True to a real botanist, she loves
                turbulent waters.  Covid 19 was running rampant. It was   gardening and horticulture was her favourite subject to
                a never before experience for all of us. But under the   teach.
                guidance of our Principal, we could tide over the situation   She also strives for the well being of the less privileged
                successfully. Where many careened and crashed, she   in society. She is an active member of many charitable
                stood as the lighthouse, navigating the Teresian ship   organisations and is a spiritual person in its true sense and
                safely ashore. She put everyone else’s needs ahead of   participates actively in all the activities of her parish. She
                her own and constantly worked for the welfare of the   is a zealous devotee of Mother Mary who finds strength in
                institution holding fast to the Teresian values and legacy.   the  Holy Rosary. She has an unfailing faith in the Almighty
                As a good administrator she showed her dedication to see   which has helped her to thrive in many difficult situations
                that the best interests of the stakeholders are fulfilled.  in life.
                Dr. Lizzy Mathew did her schooling at Kendriya Vidyalaya,   Dear Lizzy Ma’am, we thank you for all your efforts and
                Naval Base, Kochi. She pursued her Pree degree at
                Bharath  Matha College,  Thrikkakkara,  continued  her   hard work. Of course, I know how painful it is, to say
                                                               goodbye to someone who is dear to us. However, we all
                education at Sacred Heart College, Thevara to obtain
                Degree and Master’s and completed her M.Phil degree   need to express our most sincere gratitude to you for all
                                                               your contributions towards this great institution.
                from Thyagaraja Arts college, Madhurai. Dr. Lizzy joined
                St.Teresa’s college in 1994  as a junior lecturer in the   Dear Lizzy Ma’am,
                Department of Botany while she was pursuing Ph.D. in the   As you leave the portals of St.Teresa’s College,
                Research Centre of the Department.             These are our wishes for you:
                She took Doctoral degree from the Research Centre of   “May love and laughter light your days,
                the Botany Department of our College in 2003 under the   and warm your heart and home.
                guidance of Dr. Sr. Margaret Mary. Dr.Lizzy is a recognised   May good and faithful friends be yours,
                Research guide of Mahatma Gandhi University and   wherever you may go.
                Bharathiar  University.  Under  her  guidance  six  scholars   May peace and plenty bless your world
                have been awarded their Doctoral Degree and 6 students   with joy that long endures.
                are pursuing  Ph.D. The  area of her specialisation  is
                Biodiversity and Taxonomy. She has completed one minor   May all life’s passing seasons
                and one major project each  sponsored by UGC. She has   bring the best to you and yours
                more  than  50  research  publications  to  her  credit.  Her   And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love”
                contributions towards the Research and consultancy cell
                of the college- TRAAC- is to be specially mentioned.                  Dr. Liza Jacob
                                                                                      Assistant Professor
                She has prepared a pictorial documentation of the flora                                         75
                                                                                      Department of Botany
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