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spent an additional six months at Cambridge and has a   Venda, of ‘Fourth Wave Foundation’, an NGO for Protecting
                CELTA from Cambridge University. In 2014, she undertook   children against substance abuses and ‘Disha’, an NGO for
                an Intensive course in Science Fiction Studies and Creative   protecting the Rights of the Marginalised. She has been
                Writing in the US. Behind this successful woman, stands   part of research collaborations with the Kerala Higher
                a supportive man.                              Education Council, the Kerala State Council for Science,
                                                               Technology  and  Environment,  and  London  Metropolitan
                She also describes her children as her greatest blessing
                –  Appu  or  Aditya  and  Pappi  or  Amrita,  both  doctors  of   University.
                immense dedication, are rooted, focused and hard-  The recognition for her work has been at the International
                working. However, she admits that it is her daughter-in-  level – she was invited to present a paper at the House of
                law, Aarathi that holds the first place in her heart – over   Lords, in a program organised by the ISDC and the British
                and above her own children. “I fell in love with her the   High Commission in 2017. She was invited as a special
                moment I saw her” she says, a sentiment that is as rare   delegate by the British High Commission as part of the
                as it is heartening to witness. With Babuettan’s beautiful,   Delegation to visit Skill based Universities and Colleges in
                gentle, and genial mother who has been a part of her life   UK, Scotland, and Wales in 2018. She was special invitee
                since the age of 19, they make the quintessential close-  at the United Nations, New York for a conference on United
                knit family.                                   Nations Academic Initiatives in 2015. She established the
                                                               Gunn Centre for the Study of Science fiction, an affiliated
                At the professional level, as a member of the faculty at
                St. Teresa’s College, she has held manifold posts – Head   branch of the State Kansas University in 2014. She was
                of  the Department of  English,  Dean  of  Research  and   a special invitee of the British Council, South India for a
                TRACC coordinator, Governing Council Member, Editor   seminar on Education in the UK. She received a Fellowship
                and co-founder of Teresian Journal of English Studies,   to Visit Deakin University Melbourne as the Guest of
                and a Research guide with 6 of her research fellows   Honour in 2009. She was invited by the Deputy Chair of
                already awarded their doctoral degree. She has numerous   the Board of Multicultural Arts Victoria, to speak about
                publications to her credit – in National and International   India’s Culture and Heritage at MAV Victoria, Melbourne
                journals,  edited  books,  textbooks,  and  is the  author  of   in 2009. She currently serves as an Executive Committee
                the core textbook on ‘Writing for the Media’ prescribed   member of the Alumnae of British Scholars.
                by Calicut university. She was a pioneer in forging   She served as organiser for over 60 seminars, conferences
                linkages with Universities at home and abroad and was   and workshops and her CV which is over 30 pages lists her
                instrumental in the many MoUs signed with Universities   numerous publications,  presentations, and community
                abroad – such as the Deakin University in Melbourne and   service which are too voluminous to be than mentioned
                the Gunn Centre for Science Fiction studies, Kansas, USA.   here. Her career has taken wide and varied turns, but they
                With extensive academic experiences, she had the vision   have always had an upward trajectory, no doubt because
                to envisage two job ready undergraduate programs in   of the passion and single-minded commitment with which
                Applied Media Studies and in Apparel and Fashion Design.   she approaches everything.
                Under her stewardship as NAAC coordinator, the College   She is, in the ultimate reckoning, a formidable woman
                was awarded the highest A++ from NAAC. She served as   – independent, resilient, and enterprising. She is both a
                Staff Advisor to the Arts Club from 1992-2004, and many   dreamer and a doer, a pathfinder and a patron, an achiever
                were the trophies the College garnered during the period,   and a disciplined camp-follower. In all this, I believe, it is
                notably the Mahatma Gandhi University Youth Festival   her immense faith in God, her regard for her relationships
                Trophy, multiple times. She was the NSS Program Officer   and friendships, her belief in herself and her unflagging
                from 2009-12 and advisor to manifold clubs and cells –   positivity that brings her the best of all that the world
                even initiating novel ones such as the popular Media Cell.   has to offer. As she retires this year, I, on behalf of the
                As Nodal Officer for Wiscomp – she was part of Project   Department of English, thank her for her advice, her many
                Hamsa which focused on Gender Equity and Inclusion.   admonitions, and her affection. We wish her that all that
                                                               dreams are made of.
                Some of the Non-Academic positions she holds include
                being the nominee of TATA trust and Executive Member of         Dr. Preeti Kumar
                the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust Hospital at Chottanikkara. She is
        78      a Research Consultant and Executive Member for Project          Assistant Professor
                                                                                Department of English Literature
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