Page 17 - SB-Little Prince
P. 17

They wanted the doctors out of the prisons so that they could tend to the sick. They needed to plant crops and they needed the animals back so that they could have good lives. They also wanted to have their bows and arrows back to protect themselves.
But the Little Prince would not listen and those who had come
to beg him to reconsider his edicts were banished from the Kingdom. “I have things just the way I want them,” said the Prince. The Royal Journal recorded that the hunger and sickness worsened in the Kingdom. There was much unhappiness among the people of the Kingdom. It recorded that in addition to the hunger and unhappiness of the people, the neighboring kingdoms were sending raiding parties and attacking the outlying villages.
The Royal Journal recorded that few of the starving villagers had any way to defend themselves and fewer still were willing to try and stop the invaders. Buster finished the story with.
“This was really a sad story,” I told Buster. “The Little Prince caused all this badness to happen, just so he could get his own way. I want to tell this story when I get home. What is the name of this kingdom?”
“We don’t know what its original name was,” said Buster. “But now it is known as the Kingdom of Anger.”

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