Page 121 - The CRAIG family
P. 121
George & Mary Charlotte & Clifton Virginia and Louis Ralph & Virginia Glenn was born in 1952 at St. Edwards Hospital in New Albany.
1953: To celebrate Uncle Ed returning from Korea and Uncle George’s discharge from the Navy, a dinner party was given in their honor. All of the Craig siblings and their families attended. The article does not mention Aunt Eva, but all of her children and their families were there so perhaps her name was just omitted from the article. As always, Papa and Grandma Adams were there.
Evening News Thursday, April 16, 1953
1953-1955: Daddy and Uncle George spent a lot of time together while they lived in Indiana. I have pictures of us that were taken on Easter 1953, Easter and Christmas 1954 and Easter 1955. It appears that Uncle George returned to Jacksonville for active duty some time in late 1955 or early 1956. Brenda started first grade in Jacksonville.