Page 30 - G-Fault Finder
P. 30

Accep ng responsibility and consequences is explained in a posi ve light on this last page. By using Good Thinking, we are able to accept responsibility; It is my fault the deer got away. I was not paying a en on.
We must also be willing to accept the consequences for our behavior; I am willing to accept whatever punishment I have coming.
None of us is perfect but we all can accept responsibility for our mistakes and deal with the consequences. Cosmos points out that this takes Good Thinking and although you may not like the consequences, you will be able to deal with them and have Thumbs Up behavior.
1. 1. What type of thinking must you develop if you are willing to take responsibility for your behavior and thus not be a Fault Finder? Good Thinking
2. 2. What type of behavior will you have if you are willing to take responsibility for your behavior?
Thumbs Up behavior
A child that is a habitual fault  nder can be very annoying, in part because the other children become angry when they get blamed by the Fault Finder. But the real concern should be for the Fault Finder because as long as
they maintain this irra onal coping style, they will have li le success in iden fying things that they really need to do di erently. And although this is just a fable, a Fault Finder will become increasingly isolated from their peers without any true understanding of why it is occurring.

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