Page 28 - G-Fault Finder
P. 28

Fault  nding is common because it can have some immediate posi ve consequences. By blaming others, you may avoid punishment or get others in trouble because you are angry with them.
But as Cosmos points out, it can have some very nega ve consequences. The other wolves did not believe the young wolf and by not accep ng responsibility, the other wolves lost respect for him.
This is a natural consequence of Fault Finding but most children and many adults fail to understand it. Once you have lost this Trust, it is very di cult to regain. It is far be er to accept the consequences of your ac ons than to risk the lost of trust by those who care about you.
1. What type of thinking do you have when you think of ways to not take responsibility for something?
S nky Thinking
2. What type of behavior do you have when you blame others for your mistakes or failure to do what is expected?
Thumbs Down behavior

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