Page 29 - G-Fault Finder
P. 29
Consequences, is a big word that needs to be in every child’s vocabulary.
It means the natural or an cipated results to your ac ons. You touch a hot stove; the consequence is that you will be burned. You don’t study for your math test; the consequence will be that you fail the test.
These are the natural and easily an cipated results of your behavior.
But we s ll get angry and want to blame others for these consequences. Accep ng consequences is another part of accep ng responsibility. The young wolf in this fable was unable to accept this and became a lone wolf.
1. What type of emo ons are you having when you make yourself angry a er ge ng punished because of your Thumbs Down behavior?
Not OK emo ons
2. What type of thinking are your parents and teachers trying to get you to change when they give you consequences?
They are having Good Thinking.