October NEWSWATCH Final
P. 1

 Shenandoah Homeowners Association
October 2019 Issue 10 Serving the 2,160 Homeowners of Shenandoah Estates Since 1972
   Shenandoah Homeowners Association 2019 Annual Meeting
 Councilman EBPSO Captain EBPSO Captain SECPID Chairman SGFD P.I. Officer TDwight Hudson Jared Ruiz Robert Buquoi Chester Welch Eldon Ledoux
he annual meeting of the Shenandoah Homeowners They are rated Class 2, which is excellent for residential coverage.
Association, Ltd took place on Monday, September 16, 2019. The first order of business was the election of board members whose terms were expiring. There were 5 positions to fill, and six candidates to choose from. Three board members were re-elected, and two new members were elected. Congratulations to returning board members, Don Regner, Eileen Stradley, and Kevin McNicoll, and two new board members, Carrie Driver and Darryl Tate. The election of officers for 2019-2020 will take place at the October SHA Board meeting.
Several guest speakers were also at the meeting. Metro Councilman Dwight Hudson updated us on drainage issues and reminded us of the election on Oct. 12. St. George Fire Department Public Information Officer Eldon Ledoux updated us about the much-needed building projects currently underway for the SGFD. He noted that the SGFD responded to 9,966 calls in the past 365 days.
SECPID Chairman Chester Welch and Commissioner Tom Hirschey updated us on the activities of SECPID this past year, including the placement of additional cameras. Tom also introduced the new Commander of the EBRSO Kleinpeter Substation, Capt. Jared Ruiz, the leader of our patrol team, Capt. Robert Buquoi, and Shift Lt. Karen Moss. All stressed the need for residents reporting suspicious activity. Our patrol team is hand-picked by Capt. Buqoi and is top- notch. Crime statistics in Shenandoah are very low because of our patrols and the 10 cameras currently operating. We were reminded that the National Day Out Against Crime will be held Saturday, Nov 2 from 12-3 at St. Andrews United Methodist Church.
Entrance Sign Committee Chairman Sandy Smith was pleased to announce that the demolition of the old sign has been completed and plans are moving forward to begin construction of the new sign. Stay tuned for more details [

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