Page 103 - Livro_Inglês
P. 103

José Paulo –  Ideal Decision  José Paulo –  Ideal Decision

 when your client needs that product and the audience may not be   Within Digital Marketing we have some trends, let us talk
 the right one.  about Content Marketing first. To create valuable content for your

 On the internet, as in Google, for example, there is synchro-  audience is vital because people consume it. Experts in Digital
 nicity, that is, the person looking for the product is generating   Marketing consider content the 21st century’s currency, because by
 demand and he finds the offer at that same moment, so there is a   creating a rich and well-crafted content, you can attract people and
 synchronicity between demand and supply. One searches for what   start a relationship that will lead to a sales funnel. And even if the
 one wants and finds it. The internet is the mother of all media, you   contact does not lead to a sale immediately, the relationship must
 can find everything in it, with the advantage of being a two-way   be kept and nourished for a possible future conversion.
 street communication: you receive and send information, and that   The content can never be random, it must be customized and
 is synchronicity.  centered on the client’s profile, after all, it will be his first contact
          with your company, which means the capture of good contacts
 When you make an advertisement in the traditional media
 outlets, it may happen that the audience has already bought that   comes through good content.
 item, or that the desire to buy still has not being ignited. Internet   The optimization of your Digital Marketing is key, especially
 makes this interaction much more positive when it comes to offer   when combined with a presence in different kinds of electronic de-
 meeting demand.   vices. That is true because, when you go to a restaurant, for exam-
 Digital Marketing is effective, more precise, can increase custo-  ple, you can see people pay more attention to their cellphones than
 mer satisfaction, make it possible to measure customer experience   to dinner itself. So, since the user is looking for information, your
 and, with this data there is the opportunity to increase customer   company must be there.
 retention. It is possible to customize your client’s profile, to offer   Video advertising is trending, people consume via interaction
 a higher quality product and to give your clients the opportunity   with the video, it is a passive consumption; live broadcasts draws
 to buy products that are related to the one they originally wanted,   attention, people on the internet love “lives”. Not to mention the
 increasing your average ticket (customer consumption) and gradu-  wave of digital influencers, people who influence the market in
 ally expand your business using data precision.   many segments through social media.

 Digital Marketing is an interesting and vital tool for business   When you apply Digital Marketing in your business it is vital
 traction and growth today. By using it, you can define or redefine   to make a full analysis of all data periodically for decision making.
 your positioning with more speed and assertiveness.  Remember that these data are generated with great precision and
          help to guide the direction of your business.
 Online Traffic and Conversion are the two units of measure-
 ment of Digital Marketing, after all, you work to generate traffic to   Finally, with marketing automation, which is particularly im-
 your website and then your mission is to convert this traffic into   portant, every time a lead is captured, it is mandatory to have an
 leads, potential customers, who will generate sales for you.  action flow to take that contact to the conversion stage.

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