Page 105 - Livro_Inglês
P. 105

José Paulo –  Ideal Decision  José Paulo –  Ideal Decision

 It is also essential to be diligent with the design, always offering   attitude and nice communication skills, with words that lead to a
 something nice and pleasant, because people like good things. Usa-  negotiation.
 bility must also be observed, it must be easy to use and to convert.   Another important point is the selection and recruitment of
 It is important to use mental triggers in your texts and website.   salespeople - having a good team. A company is no more than a
 Also, demonstrating credibility, showing you are a reference in   group of people, so the selection of exceptional people is what will
 your segment and to have social proof of it, like people talking   generate exceptional results. Also, training and recycle these peo-
 about you and your business, other professionals referring your   ple; training to develop skills and recycling because from time to
 service or product, customer’s testimonies and, last but not least,   time, people loose skills. Aside from that, it also helps keeping the
 success cases.   team motivated and full of energy to move forward.

            Also, pay attention to your “CRM”, which is a crucial contacts
 2nd Pillar - Sales  and possible customers management tool. Make sure nothings gets
          left behind by constantly updating it.
 You must turn your company into a sales, assets, and receptors
 machine,  with  recurring  incomes.  The  first  strategy  must  be  to
 focus in converting contacts into businesses – every person who   3rd Pillar – Production
 accesses your webpage or social media must be converted.
            You must combine maximum operational efficiency with a high
 You need to define the sales channels you want to operate. The-  delivery rate and a lean structure, as well as well-defined methods
 re are several types of channels, such as the call center, e-commer-  and procedures for everything. To do so, stablish patterns because
 ce, sales representative, franchising, among others. After that, it is   this will set the bar for the performance people should have.
 necessary to define the sales process, the step-by-step cycle of every
 channel, from prospection to closing the deal. Then you need to   In addition, you must have everything under control, as only
 make the steps of the Sales Funnel clear, as well as to know how   what can be controlled can be measured and only what you can be
 many steps there are - there are steps like this one that relate to   measured and guided can have a good result.
 pillar number 1, about Marketing.  You must also dedicate to planning, because one planned hour

 Other than that, it is essential to standardize and validate the   is worth more than ten worked days. For example, it is a lot easier
 language that your sales professional will use to be able to con-  to erase the blueprint of a house than tearing down a wall, which
 vert the contact. Be careful with the Personal Marketing of your   means planning is crucial to avoid rework and unnecessary costs.
 salesman. He needs to have a good posture, attitude, and commu-  Quality must come before productivity, after all, you must be
 nication skills to be able to sell – he needs to sell his own image   certain you will produce something excellent. Imagine otherwise,
 before he can sell the product. The posture is connected to the way   to produce a lot with low quality, you would only have rework and
 he dresses; how he introduces himself to clients; have a positive   loss.

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