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P. 110
José Paulo – Ideal Decision José Paulo – Ideal Decision
competitive advantage. achieve the business’s objective is set.
Integrity: We do not take shortcuts. Integrity, hard work and And keep in mind that decisions make destinies. It is always
consistency are necessary to choose the people who will get promoted and the
ones who should not be in the company, even if what it takes is to
the cement that paves our company. If shortcuts were good,
we would not have roads and highways. Shortcuts have risks and restructure departments and positions.
danger, so you need to understand that shortcuts never work. It I want to mention here the great administrator Jack Welch, who
takes integrity, hard work and one step at a time to reach a fair arrived at the company G&E in a specific situation and multi-
and loyal result. plied the company’s result by 40 times, turning it to a force in
the market. He used to say the following: 20% of the people you
promote every year, the ones with great potential, 70% of them
7th Pillar - Management you train and the remaining 10% with low performance, you let
All six pillars that have been spoken so far must be added to a go. These decisions are fundamental and by doing so, you establish
highly active management, so that you can orchestrate everything a good dynamic in the company. In addition, I could not fail to
and everyone. And what is management? It means having a good mention the strategy by Edward D. Hess, a business growth expert.
organization chart defining the company’s hierarchical structure, He says that for a business to grow it is crucial to make a planning
making responsibilities clear to all employees, assigning goals for first, prioritize what is more important second, adjust processes in
each person, a planning to register. a well-developed sequence third, and lastly, to set the pace so you
can grow without making any messes, making sure things will go
Management must also pay attention to action plans to achieve
what was planned, as it is important to take performance indica- smoothly. This is all part of organic growth.
tors as the business guide, so you can follow up with people and There is also growth by merger and acquisition, another way of
apply the OMC method, which means “orienting, motivating and growing that has been widely adopted.
charging”. If the employee gives results, give him a promotion, if Finally, the 4 Ps of the business world, which all people and
he does not, even after the orientation process, end the partnership. companies must take care of: Preparation, Planning, Prevention
It is necessary to evaluate and to act quickly, you cannot persist and Production. In the preparation stage it is necessary to be ready
on the mistake for long because it may create a big problem. Your for the cycles and the circumstances of the world and of life. Then
leadership must unlock people’s maximum potential. comes the planning phase to avoid rework, to prevent in order to
be safe and well supported, always having a back-up plan, and then
To make this follow-up and to make decisions, it is essential to
apply the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check and Act) to your teams, which start production, because it will lead you to an excellent produc-
is a methodology created in 1950, in Japan, crucial nowadays, to tion capacity. These well-developed rules will bring the company a
check if all activities are following the culture and the right pace to great result.
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