Page 4 - NEB Layout 2015_SQR8.indd
P. 4

LEADERSHIP    Message from the CEO
 INNOVATION   It has been a challenging decade for economies right around the world, and it is therefore not surpris-
PRODUCTIVITY  ing that business leaders are more cau ous than ever when working with engineering firms – no-one
              can afford to make a mistake when it comes to ge ng a project delivered.

              Despite these tes ng mes, NEB has striven to remain true to its core values and offer clients project
              management solu ons rooted in solid experience, that aspire only to excellence. One thing we can
              promise, is that whatever the outside factors, NEB’s values will not change as the company con nues
              to do business.

              But as well as maintaining these long-held commitments, we are also focused on expanding our pres-
              ence. We plan to bring NEB solu ons to interna onal des na ons and be a posi ve force in any com-
              muni es where difficult situa ons exist.

              At NEB, innova on is the essence of what we do. Not content with merely following the crowd, our
              dedicated and crea ve team seeks new ways to assist our clients fulfil or exceed their goals.

              The ul mate intent is to pursue opportuni es that allow us to shine and add value to the industry as
              a whole.

              Our aims are clear – to excel, to lead, and to pioneer.

              Sincerely yours,
              Jamil Jadallah Naji
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