Page 5 - NEB Layout 2015_SQR8.indd
P. 5

“At NEB we call our core values the     Mission  NEB exists to offer simple solu ons to the increasingly complex demands of modern soci-
‘Big Five’ – and they are: innovation,  Vision   ety. The company provides high quality services and its main objec ve is to secure long-
excellence, leadership, productivity,            las ng connec ons with our clients.
and accountability.”
                                                 Now, more than ever, there is a global desire to improve living condi ons and contribute
                                                 to mankind. At NEB we call our core values the ‘Big Five’ – and they are: innova on, excel-
                                                 lence, leadership, produc vity and accountability. These values are cast in stone on every
                                                 development that has the NEB signature.

                                                 We strive each day to deliver top notch results through genuine partnerships — indeed,
                                                 this is one of our biggest strengths. NEB works closely with business, community groups,
                                                 government and nongovernmental organisa ons, with one common goal: to produce sus-
                                                 tainable results.

                                                 The values which we share with our stakeholders are constant, and this is the key to ac-
                                                 complishing our mission. To this end, we have undertaken to maintain our commitment
                                                 to the Big Five:

                                                          Innova on, the heart of our work
                                                          Excellence, the incen ve behind what we offer
                                                          Leadership, the driving force behind our projects
                                                          Produc vity, the secret of our survival
                                                          Accountability, the principal behind everything we make

                                                 Within the perimeters of the built environment, NEB has undertaken to balance growth
                                                 alongside sustainability. The company is seen as a rising pioneer with limitless ambi ons,
                                                 con nuously emerging skill-sets and growing exper se. Our vision bridges every aspect
                                                 of today’s business with the future, by iden fying what we need to con nue achieving
                                                 sustainable, quality growth.

                                                 The three pillars of our vision are:

                                                 • Inspira onal impression: Crea ng a comfortable, people-focused environment where
                                                 we are inspired, and where our partners feel a pulse of crea ve freedom
                                                 • Quality deliverance: Bringing to the world a range of quality services that sa sfy global

                                                 • Produc vity and profitability: Performing efficiently and maximising long-term return to
                                                 shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibili es

                                                 In harmony with our legacy and global mission, we encourage personal and professional
                                                 growth through integrated development of the intellectual dimensions of each member
                                                 of NEB and those we serve.
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