Page 57 - The Pocket Guide to Outdoor Knots
P. 57

Bowline in the bight
               Figure of eight triple loops
               Figure of eight twin loops
               Triple bowline

               Loops, adjustable, running, sliding
               Double overhand noose
               Figure of eight noose
               Midshipman’s hitch
               Simple noose

               Braid knot
               Coil, figure of eight
               Coil, ground line hitch
               Coil, strangle knot
               Coil, wrapped and reef-knotted

               Stopper knots
               Ashley’s stopper knot
               Double overhand knot
               Figure of eight knot
               Figure of eight knot (with draw-loop)
               Overhand knot
               Overhand knot (with draw-loop)

               Carrick bend
               Double fisherman’s knot
               Double sheet bend
               Figure of eight becket hitch
               Figure of eight bend
               Fisherman’s knot
               Hunter’s (or rigger’s) bend
               Lapp knot
               One-way sheet bend
               Sheet bend
               Sheet bend (with draw-loop)
               Sliding figure of eight bend
               Three-way sheet bend
               Twin bowline bend
               Vice versa
               Water (or tape) knot
               Zeppelin bend (Rosendahl’s knot)
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