Page 27 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 27
Message 2
The Christian Life under the Government of God
The general subject of this perfecting training is “The Christian Life
and the Church Life under the Government of God”. We do not talk about
this much but it is very important. We praise the Lord that He is the God
of love, the God of grace, and the God of glory who wants to shine upon
us and express Himself, but we should also remember that He is a God of
government. We are God’s chosen people, so He will deal with us first before
He deals with others. As I was reading all these outlines, I was very much
before the Lord. I do not even know how to share these messages, because
this is something that is most serious. Peter was very serious in considering
this matter. May the Lord be merciful to us that we too would consider this
very seriously before Him.
The subject of 1 Peter is “The Christian Life under the Government of
God”. This subject shows us that the government of God is especially for His
dealing with His chosen people. First Peter 1:2 has a marvelous footnote on
“chosen”. I hope that we would read it and would also try to memorize it. It
tells us that God needs to exercise His governmental dealing on us as His
chosen people so that we can represent Him on the earth.
Second Peter is also on the universal government of God. Its subject is
“The Divine Provision and the Divine Government”, showing us that as God
is governing us, He supplies us with whatever we need. Peter is actually very
balanced. Firstly, he talks about how God needs to govern us and deal with
us. He chose us so that we can be dealt with by Him. But 2 Peter talks about
His divine provision and His divine government. Thus, as God is governing
us, He supplies us with whatever we need.