Page 28 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 28

The Christian Life under the Government of God             27

            In 1961, even before I was baptized, there was a great rebellion in the
        church in Manila. I do not know if anybody here still remembers that time,
        but I remember it very well, because that rebellion actually separated our
        family. Part of our family rebelled and another part remained in the recovery.
        During those times, I still remember how my mother repeatedly said, “In
        everything that we do, we must be under the judgment seat of our Lord Jesus
        Christ, because one day we have to face Him as the Judge.” He governs us by
        judging us, and it will be much better for us if He were to judge us today. If
        we submit ourselves to His judgmental discipline today, we can become the
        overcomers who will receive Him back.

            Maybe I can share a little bit before I get into the outline. At that time,
        I had one relative  who was older  than  my  dad, and  he was the  one  who
        brought my dad to the Lord. He was also the one who brought my dad into
        the recovery. He was also the one who brought Brother Lee into this country
        in the first place. But one day, he was affected and he rebelled against Brother
        Lee and the recovery. At that time, my family was in turmoil and we did
        not know what to do. There were so many accusations and insults that were
        hurled against my father and mother, and we suffered quite a bit. But my
        mother kept reminding us that we need to live under the judgment seat of
        our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord very much that our family stood firm
        with the recovery. I am not saying all of this to make you fearful. Rather, what
        happened to our family really helped me in my Christian life. Shortly after
        that rebellion, something happened to this relative of ours and to his family.
        His wife got sick and died of cancer. Her cancer was not hidden in her body
        but it was a growth out of her throat. On the same day that we brought her
        to the cemetery for burial, her husband, the rebellious one, felt something
        wrong with his abdomen. When we heard about this, we brought him to the
        hospital. He never left that hospital. Within thirty days, he also went to be
        with the Lord. When he was still in the hospital, he asked my mother for some
        fellowship. He told my mother, “Please pray for me, please pray for me. I
        realize that I have sinned against God. I should never have rebelled against
        Brother Lee. So please pray.” And he said, “If the Lord would be willing to
        heal me, I will bring my whole family back into the Lord’s recovery.” I was
        hopeful that with such a prayer, maybe the Lord would heal him, but the
        Lord did not. His whole family was in shock. Some of their children were
        still very young and could not take this. They lost both parents within thirty
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