Page 37 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 37
The Christian Life under the Government of God 36
The joy that we have is a joy permeated with God’s glory. It is a joy covered
by God’s glory, a joy that is full of the expression of God.
It Being a Wonder and a Mystery That We, the Believers, Love One
Whom We Have Not Seen
It is a wonder and a mystery that we, the believers, love One whom we
have not seen. I’ve always wondered how we could love Someone so much
for so long without ever seeing Him. But this is the faith that is in us.
Our Loving Him Whom We Have Not Seen Because of Believing,
Because of the Faith That Has Been Infused into Us through
Hearing the Living Word of God
We love Him whom we have not seen because of believing, because of
the faith that has been infused into us through hearing the living word of God
(Gal. 3:2).
This Faith Being under the Proving, the Trying, Mentioned in 1 Peter 1:7
This faith is under the proving, the trying, mentioned in 1 Peter 1:7.
Joy Full of Glory Being Joy Immersed in Glory;
It Being Joy That is Filled with the Expression of Christ
Joy full of glory is joy immersed in glory; it is joy that is filled with the
expression of Christ (v. 8).
We should commit our souls to the faithful Creator (4:19). First Peter
4:19 says, “So then let those also who suffer according to the will of God
commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator.” This does not refer
to those who suffer because of certain things that they do, but to those who
suffer according to the will of God. These commit their souls in well-doing
to a faithful Creator. The Creator here does not refer to the Creator of the
new heaven and the new earth, but it refers to the Creator of the old creation,
which is where we are today in this age.